At Least We're Alive [4]

Aug 04, 2011 19:39

Title: At Least We're Alive
Author: Kat; choosethebattle 
Rating: Changes throughout.
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Jack hasn't spoken to anyone since the beginning of Freshman year, Three months into Sophomore year, everything is beginning to make sense.
Disclaimer: False, i don't own anything except the plot.
A/N: I didn't realise it had been so long, i was just so focused on my other fic. I really hope people actually still read this.


“Don’t worry about it, they’ll love you,” Jack tried to calm an already anxious Alex before the first time he had dinner with Jack’s family, including his brother Joe and sister May, he hadn’t met any of them before, even though he’d spent a lot of time in Jack’s the past two weeks, it had always been skilfully planned between the two teenagers, always in after they left, and he always left just before they came back.

Since that kiss last Saturday, it had been slightly awkward between the two, neither knowing whether how the other would react if they kissed again, and neither confident enough to ask. They’d come close a few times; after school yesterday, the were sitting at the bus stop, making rings with their misty breath, Alex had blown in Jack’s face, and when the cold air hit Jack in a new wave, he paused, biting his lip, he was certain that it’d be alright to kiss him again, because Alex had, not very subtly, leaned further towards him. But in that second, the bus pulled up to the bench and they had to get on, and so the thought had been pushed to the back of both boys’ minds.

“What if they don’t though? I mean, my mom loved you because you’re really well mannered and you make her laugh and you’re just a nice person, and I’m sure your family expect that of me and, well, I’m everything you’re not Jack, thus, they’re going to hate me,” Alex was lying on his back on his unmade bed, his hands on his forehead, while Jack sat on the wooden floor, leaning against the bed, tapping his fingers to the rhythm of the song playing on the radio.

“I think my parents will be happy enough that you’re interested in being my friend, that’ll be enough for them, so don’t worry! Joe and May are going to love you too, they’ll be more than willing to strike up a conversation with you about how embarrassing I was as a child,” Jack smiled, after finishing drumming to the song, he moved to sit on the edge of Alex’s bed, looking at his flawless face; even when his hair was unintentionally pointing in every direction after being recently washed, and wearing almost grubby looking sweats and a v-neck shirt, he still looked beautiful.

“W-well what if I was interested in being more than friends with you Jack?” There it was, Alex had finally plucked up the courage to address this tension that lingered between them every second of every day.

“I-,” Jack was cut off by Mrs Gaskarth informing them that it was ten minutes to six, which meant that dinner at Jack’s was in ten minutes, basically she was telling them to leave her threshold before she kicked them out, in the nicest way possible. “I guess we should get going,” Jack stood up, holding his hand out to Alex, the blonde haired boy timidly took it, helping himself off the bed, he stood awkwardly holding Jack’s hand loosely before he pulled it away quickly to open the door.

“Are you sure they won’t hate me?” Alex had seem to have pushed the thought of that awkward conversation they slimly avoided to the side for now.

“Of course not, now come on, mom’ll go ape shit if we’ve late.”

“Jack Barakat! You should not be swearing like that about your mother!” Alex laughed, grabbing both boys’ jackets from the hook by the door.

“I’m serious man, hurry up,” Jack smiled pushing Alex out the door, calling goodbye to Mr and Mrs Gaskarth before shutting the door and stepping carefully around the ice that still lingered on the ground, it was three weeks before Christmas, meaning it was just a week and a half before Alex’s 16th birthday, for which Jack was completely unprepared for. “Mom?” He called coming in the door, kicking the snow off his shoes, leaving them at the door. Alex followed his lead, revealing his grey socks on the red carpet leading to the think wooden staircase to the left of which was the door to the dining room.

“Hey boys, go wash up and dinner’ll be ready in five,” both boys raced up stairs to the bigger bathroom next to Jack’s bedroom.

“Jack?” May called from her bedroom on the other side of the bathroom.


“Oh, hi, you must be Alex, you’re really cute, I could just keep you,” May smiled lightly, “but eh, yeah, can I borrow your hairspray for a second?”

“Top drawer, go,” Jack said drying his hands, holding Alex’s shirt, pulling him out of the room, down the stairs.

“Alex you can sit here next to Jack, alright?” Joyce said, putting her hand on Alex’s shoulder, guiding him to a seat.

“Yep, thanks Mrs Barakat,” Alex smiled softly at her before sitting down to the right of Jack, who’s hands were subconsciously tapping, as usual on his knees.

“Oh Jack, stop that, would you? Joe, sit down next to May and stop hovering!” Mrs Barakat said, her voice slightly raised, as she began to set plates of food in front of her childen, and Alex of course.

“So, Alex, what had your family moving here?” Mr Barakat asked over dinner, taking a sip of water.

“Eh, the school I went to for Freshman year was closing down at the end of this year because there weren’t enough admissions so my parents made the decision to move here where the school system is better, which is good I guess, I mean, I’ve meant some really lovely people, Jack being one,” Alex smiled at the man, tilting his head to the left.

“Well, as long as you’re happy here, that’s good, right?”

“Of course, I guess that’s all that matters,” Mr Barakat smiled before proceeding to talk to May about her plans for tomorrow.

By the time they’d finished dessert, Jack and Alex had offered to clean up while everyone went back to doing what they were doing before dinner.

“Are you sure you don’t mind helping me clear up?” Jack asked while they boys were carrying dishes to the kitchen.

“Of course not, it’s the least I can do, your mom made this amazing dinner for us and I just, I guess I just appreciate it,” Alex smiled before washing his hands.

“Alex?” Jack asked after washing the dishes; they had worked a system, Jack was and Alex dried, they had been listening to Simple Plan, singing along, and Jack had even stopped to air guitar the breakdowns.


“Do you- do you want to stay the night?” Jack wasn’t looking Alex in the eye now; he was putting the silverware into the drawer.

“Sure Jack, just let me call my mom, okay?” Jack’s face lit up when Alex took his phone from his jeans pocket, leaving the room to call home. “Mom said it’s alright, of course she did, she loves you, even more than she loves for god’s sake,” Alex smiled, toying with the hem of his shirt.

After Mrs Barakat had insisted on making the boys popcorn and going out to buy soda before they settled in Jack’s bedroom, on the sofa in the corner, pointing towards the TV. Jack had suggested they watch The Hangover, but Alex had playfully argued and they decided on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which currently was Alex’s ‘all-time favourite movie.’

“What the fuck’s with that guy’s nose?”

“Shut up Jack, just watch the movie,” Alex hit Jack’s legs, which were comfortably spread over Alex’s curled up knees, “If you ruin this movie for me, I’m going to have to kill you.”

“Alright, I’ll shut up, but, what the fuck-.”

“Jack, I swear,” Alex shot a look of venom towards him before concentrating on the screen again.

Once the film was over, Jack replaced the disk in the box and brought them to his sister’s room, and when he got back, Alex was already looking through the drawers by the window for something to wear.

“I’m not sleeping in these jeans, so I’m borrowing sweats, I hope that’s okay?”

“Of course, grab me a pair while you’re there too, and a shirt if you can see one,” Jack set a glass of soda on the desk next to the door before taking the clothes from Alex. “Eh, you can get changed in here if you like and I’ll-.”

“Jack, wise up, just stay here,” Alex smirked, pulling his navy shirt over his head, revealing his perfectly pointed hips, and stretching his arms over his head pulled the skin over his ribs tight, showing his beautifully sculpted abdomen. Before Alex caught Jack staring at him, he pulled his own shirt off, quickly replacing it with a sweatshirt that said Harvard ’93 on it that Alex had pulled out for him.

Alex truly was killing Jack; pulling off his sweats was like torture, but once Alex looked around, Jack was pulling his own off too, realising he was probably more than obvious, but for some reason, he didn’t mind as much as he should have.


“Hmm?” He asked, lying on his stomach on the floor next to the bed which Alex was leaning over.

“Can-Can I ask you a question?” Alex’s eyebrows began knitting together before Jack was able to answer the question.

“You just did, but sure,” Jack smiled, moving to the bed, laying on his back parallel to Alex.

“That’s not really funny man,” He chuckled a little anyway, “But eh, d-do you think it’d be weird if, if I, erm,” Alex really didn’t know how to ask this question.

“If you do this?” Jack asked, sitting up on the bed, hooking his right leg over Alex’s hips, taking hold of his hands, leaning as far down as he had to to reach the blonde boy, and placed his lips lightly on his. He only lingered for a split second but as soon as he pulled away, he saw Alex’s smile, and the older boy leaned up and pressed against Jack’s lips, slightly harder. Alex sucked on Jack’s bottom lip before pulling back.

“Pretty much, yeah…” Alex’s cheeks were red, and Jack’s matched perfectly. “Erm,” Alex said awkwardly, Jack still lingering less than a foot from him. “Can I…”

“You don’t have to ask every time Alex,” Jack smirked before kissing Alex lightly again, but Alex silently insisted on more pressure, pushing into Jack, slowly opening his mouth. Jack responded by pushing his tongue slowing into the other boy’s mouth and within half a minute Alex was guiding Jack into the kiss, flicking his tongue against Jack’s teeth. But before Alex could kiss Jack anymore, he felt Jack’s breath hitch, he was giggling.

“What’re you laughing at?” Alex bit his lip, looking awfully embarrassed. But Jack smiled softly before taking hold of Alex’s hand.

“I’m not laughing, I-I swear,” Jack grinned, kissing Alex’s forehead lightly. “I, Alex?”

“I’m listening,” Alex smirked, pulling Jack’s hand towards him, making the younger boy lose balance and fall onto Alex, making both boys laugh uncontrollably. “Shh, someone’ll come in.”

“No one’s going to come in, they sort of leave me on my own most of the time.”

“Anyway, I’m still listening,” Alex said, looking intently into Jack’s deep brown eyes.

“Well, I was sort of wondering, erm…” Alex smiled at Jack, encouraging him to go on, knowing exactly what he was going to ask anyway, and exactly what his answer was going to be. “Erm, if you, if you would be my boyfriend?” Jack was staring at the boys’ hands intertwined on the blankets, suddenly doubting himself.

Alex bent him neck up slightly to kiss Jack’s pouted lips, “Is that enough of an answer for you?” He whispered, pulling from Jack’s lips.

“I think so,” Jack sat up straight on the bed, “But, right now, can we please watch a good movie?”

“Depends on the movie!”

“Hey, I’m your boyfriend, I get to choose the movie!”

author: choosethebattle, pg-13, chaptered: at least were alive, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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