Well... I'm really bored right now... and I've decided that from this post onwards, my journal is going to be friends only!! This will therefore be the last public post in my journal...
AND I decided to do a major friends cut... so please look behind the cut to see if your username is there. If it is, and you do actually read my journal and would like to stay as one of my friends, please comment to be readded.
If your name is not there, then you are lucky enoughto be staying as one of my friends... and you can comment anyway...
_0hgirl__kisstobetray_celebrityskin_leftanyway_ragdoll13__ticklemeemoabsolutly2irishadamdiamondaileenjellybeenaliasjackartaxbarcaoranjebl00dlustpixi3brokenheart03downhill_stacydragonfly83emojuleeemokissezemophobishfoxxylady25402glenna_rochellegoddesscarreyhearttornapartillfuckme_ilovethebrushinthebutt666iwontletugokato_99koryfeldmanks_sunflowerluisfigomadrad_emokidmizzlizzpuffdragonrosie_incubus1setseyed4u2hurtseventyxseven05sickofevrythingsnowsurfer281sofia200358sparklinbaby16stevenvsninjatellmewhatwaiting2fallx_sparkli_xxloveliediexxsilly_blondexxxbamchickyxxxusedlushx If your user name is on the above list, it means that you have been removed from my friends list... if you wish to be readded, please commment, as my journal is now friends only.
If you're not on the list - comment anyway
I think I'm done...
For now anyways!
<3 Brooke