Feb 26, 2006 22:04
Funny story:
So apparently this weekend, Friday night/Saturday morning, someone stole all of the dry earse markers from Atkin 3 through 7 and then put half in the Atkin 4 microwave, and the other half in the Atkin 4 Dryer.(Yes, I live on Atkin 4). So now the cops are invloved as it is apparently arson to microwave markers, who knew. My floor is trying to figure out why we were targeted, we are the quit normal floor in Atkin. So now we have to get a new microwave, and possibly a new dryer. The funnest part though, is the fact the the culprets, paid a dollar to run the dryer. And they had scissors, since a lot of the girls markers were on strings, and they were all cut, so this was planned. My RA couldn't keep a straight face during the emergency floor meeting, awsome.