(no subject)

May 03, 2005 22:29


So I've had a busy week. Unfortunately most of the stuff taking up my time has been related to school (ie midterms and a presentation). none of which is really worth writing about, cept for my cs275 databases midterm. i only mention it because my teacher is the worst cs teacher i ve ever had (i find myself thinking that almost every term) but really, he's horrible and thats not just cuz i can't understand about half the words coming out of his mouth.. do youu understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? come on! come onnnn Lee! jcome-on! rush hour 2, anyone get it? celia? eh eh

anywhoo, on to cooler news - :D
ahem, so you know how last time i mentioned i could do an aerial during my tumbling class. well i have been practicing it slowly but surely in the tumbling room (w/ matted ground thats slightly springy) and the other day i decided that it was time to try it on real ground. yeah so i went to dixon (our rec center) and stretched a bit on the matted room (unlike the tumbling room, these mats are hard and has no spring whatsoever) So i try a couple times, and then woohoo i hit it! I landed it, and just ot make sure, i did it again! so i was feeling good, it was a big step up from the tumbling room. and then i was like what the heck, lets go to the dance room w/ the hardwood floors. man its a lot scarier even though its practically the same thing - the first couple of times i practically had it but i chickened out and stuck a hand down, but then after a couple, i did it! :D :D :D i was pumped, so i did it again, and then stopped before i hurt myself :D haha but yeah, so i made sure to do it twice to make sure it wasnt a fluke, and yeah thats my story.


and in other big news :D my coool sister sent me a package in the mail like a week and a half ago :D and guess what was in it???? jet li: dont worry, i'll show you..

My very own broadsword!!!! yayyy

My sister got me a broadsword!!! hooo weeee thats cool. im excited, i havent done too much with it, as i don't really know what to do, but now that im done w/ midterms and stuff, i ll start learning from vids online and stuff. so yeah, thanks again celia! :D :D :D

um, in other news, im going home this wkend for mothers day! that'll be fun. and on saturday me and deena are going to hang out =) - maybe watch the wushu demo? in portland, and then go shopping for my friend's wedding present!! exciting stuff :D

last time i came home, i went over to dannys house and him and me and aj played games on his computers. i know, im a nerd, but oh man it was fun :D

danny and aj getting ready for some multiplayer action

next time we're going to do something outside, that was our plan, lol. we'll see about that, haha

and look what i had for dinner the other night!

I like pizza =)

anyways, i dont have anything else, i cant remember..maybe thats why people post more regularly. oh well, have a good one!
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