i miss jetting on an aeroplane each time i look at this photo. the excitement of going to a foreign country; not knowing what to expect at all and having so many wild imaginations, different visions. i wish i was a globe trekker. i wish i was paid to travel. anywhere , i don't mind. experiencing a whole new culture, a whole new world. something out of your own shell, your own comfort zone. this is what traveling is all about. the best part is the people, meeting people, interacting with people; socializing. something new, something different, a change.
suddenly, i miss perth & Kak Nora. in a nutshell, i think i love australia. brisbane/sydney/tasmania next? & i just realised i've yet to put up the perth photos. sorry, i get a little nostalgic and a little bit depressed when i look at the photos. nostalgic cause it was one of the best trips i've ever had, depressed cause i wish i was there & not here! :(