Nov 17, 2004 01:48
so yeah i've been a very busy person this week.. this weekend was hell. i think i worked more than i sleeped or did anything. i didn't even see saturday 7am to 1am is what i worked.. and then came back at 7am to work some more.. gotta make that money. so i can spend it on someone special.. haven't found that someone.. well maybe but she doesn't know anyway. all i have been doing is work, school, and halo 2 online... pretty exciting life though huh? it will get better within the next week or two.. our family is going to virginia this weekend so i will be cold.. i hate the cold:( i think i'm going to go on strike up there and wear shorts and flip flops... hopefully i will not give in. today is my mom and dad's 20th year aniverisary... sometimes i don't know how my mom deals with jp ... i wish i would just win the lottery just so i didn't have to work for like the rest of my life. i think when i'm at work doing valet i'm going to run in front of a car so adams mark will give me disability.. what do yall think, hopefully i don't get hit that bad. the new eminem cd is pretty sweet. more funny than anything. christmas is coming up but i don't think i will be getting much and either will people from me. in general, noone is my family has any money, i might start a donation website? called "help frankie through x-mas" anyway i think i've wrote enough and i doubt it is even worth it cause noone really looks at my live journal anyway... peace up