Another horrid dream

Nov 28, 2006 22:59

While I took a nap between classes yesterday, I had weird dreams again. I'm not exactly sure about the rest of the things, but one part I remembered vividly because it was so horrible. I believe Isabel and Jenn were in the dream, but I forgot what they did. Anyway, it was something like my mouth was in a lot of pain and at first I was like "WTF, why does it hurt so much?" but later, I found out it's because almost all my teeth were loose. O_O I was panicking, thinking I'd have to get dentures at the age of 19. I bet that'd be a world record, huh? XD Anyway, I think even in real life, unless I have a cavity, my teeth never hurt that much.

What a weird dream...I think it might've had something to do with the fact that recently, my scalp is dry or something and so sometimes my head itches. And I went around asking people if I have lice and everyone thought I was nuts and said I was being paranoid. XDD So I've been trying to lower the water temperature and make sure to wash my hair for a longer time (in case I was not washing all the shampoo off or something)

On Sunday, went with Tennis and Pamela and Danilo to the new Westfield Shopping Centre in downtown SF because we were sick of Jtown and I wanted to check out the new, and eye-poppingly expensive new stores. XDD Made me feel poor, but I think even if I were to become rich, I would not spend $1000 on a brand jacket that I can get elsewhere that's just as good in quality for like $200. =_=" I guess when you have so much money that you don't know what to do with it all, you gota spend it somewhere. =P I guess it's also how they're brought up, like if you were brought up in an upper-class environment, then $1000 for a jacket is probably nothing to you. But to me, if I had that much money, I'd be like Bill Gates (he buys $7 shirts supposedly) and just donate more rather than spending it on stuff I don't need. =P *shrug* That's my two cents. XD

As for Thanksgiving, no one in my family felt like cooking, so rather than have a potluck, we all went out to this nice buffet in Fremont (Pacific Buffet, I think) and ate lots of seafood. =9 It was actually pretty cheap ($14) for all the nice food they had and considering they had hella business cuz it was a holiday. I actually miss the potluck...but o wellz, it was a yummy buffet. But I felt like the potluck was a lot more special...
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