Fic recs (Supernatural edition)!

Aug 25, 2008 22:04

I've found that it's a little difficult for me to rec fics; I generally read the same two or three authors and don't really extend beyond that. However, I've read some great stories lately that have been definitely worth recommending.

-" Thicker Than Water" by Anonymous (for now) for spn_summergen. Supernatural, gen, rated adult.

Okay, I'm a little biased on this one because the fic was written for me -- spn_summergen's a fic exchange -- but I genuinely enjoyed it. The prompt that they chose was Either Sam or Dean gets turned into either a vampire or a werewolf, and how the other deals with it (heh, doesn't sound familiar at all, does it?).

-" Magnafluxing Never Felt Quite Like This Before" by kroki_refur. Supernatural, gen, PG-13. (It's currently incomplete, but there are two parts at the moment.)

Basically, the way to sum this up is Supernatural by way of Quantum Leap. The beginning of it is funny and cute, but then bam, Refur goes for the throat. I'm mostly reccing this because I read and pass along a lot of very darkfic, and while this story is serious, it's a little more lighthearted than most of the ones that I go for.

-" Or Be Ourselves Subdued" by kroki_refur. Supernatural, gen, PG-13. (Another incomplete story, but there are currently six parts, and Refur's been really good about updating it.)

There's a lot to love about this story, but what's probably the most striking is the voice used throughout. As far as I know (since the story isn't complete), the narrator is an original character and a woman, and she's one of the most captivating characters I've ever seen in conjunction with SPN. Combining her with the the very stark and hopeless AU of the story makes it very much like an original story in general, but the focus is still on Sam and Dean, so no worries for anyone in that regard.


As far as my stories are going, I wrote most of the next part of "A Beast in Repose" while on a road trip over the weekend. My goal is to finish it and post it by Friday. I'd also like to get "Sunrise in Winter" finished and posted by Sunday, but that could go any direction, really.

community: recs

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