September digest.

Oct 01, 2012 15:01

September 2012


"Romance" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Bandom (MCR), PG-13, 1744 words, Ray/Gerard
In which Gerard fails and somehow still ends up in love anyway.

"A beam of sunlight" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Batman (Nolanverse), R, 1725 words, Bruce/Selina, for
"It was all another level of disguise anyway." Or: when Selina and Bruce reconnect.

"That Scary Feeling" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Bandom (Panic!), NC-17, 1100 words, Brendon (solo), for
"Still, getting off on his arm falling asleep? At least anal was something people talked about."

"Hangover" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Bandom (MCR), NC-17, 805 words, Frank/Mikey, for the trope meme
"'I knew I shouldn't have let Pete give us beer,' Mikey says with disgust."

"Socks" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Bandom (MCR), PG, 133 words, Bob/Gerard, for the trope meme
Gerard needs Bob to think more quietly.

Podfic (recorded by others)

your team sux, recorded by
xojemmaxo. ♥_♥

October 2012 and beyond

I love how I said I was lessening my commitments, but I'm already super busy with a bunch of writing projects. (My life.)

  • Two more stories for
    kink_bingo before the end of the month! I will get these finished, darn it! (They're mostly written; I just need to sit down and do it.)
  • Also on deadline before the end of the month: a story I got bunnied on last year that I just really want to finish. It's very appropriate for the season in a lot of ways.
  • Also something I'll probably punch out in the next couple days: another
    bandom_meme fill I tripped into last night. Oops?
  • I'm submitting a sign-up for bandomstuffsit in the next couple days, too. I've never done a bandom holiday fest, so I'm pretty excited! I'll probably also do bandomreversebb no matter what the timing is, since I love that one. (I'm not doing Yuletide, though. Apparently, even I have my limits.)

That takes me to the end of the year/very beginning of next year. I've made no decisions about Big Bangs yet, except that I'm almost definitely not doing spn_j2_bigbang for the first time in four years. (I love it, but it's a tough commitment.) Whether or not I continue with all my long-form bandom series is not for debate - as in, it's happening - but I might need more flexibility on deadlines than Big Bangs can give. We'll see!

community: monthly digest

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