July digest.

Aug 15, 2008 02:12

It just occurred to me that the July digest post is a few weeks overdue. Mostly, it was because I'd forgotten that I'd written anything in July besides my spn_summergen fic -- which is up in that community, if anyone wants to look, but still anonymous for a while -- but there is stuff to link to.

July 2008


1. "A Beast in Repose", Part One; Supernatural, PG-13. (There are currently three parts scheduled, but it might go up to four or five, depending how the story plays out.) What if Lenore didn't think that letting Sam go was the best course of action? And what if Dean ended up in San Francisco with a different hunter at his back?

2. " Refuge", Supernatural, PG. Written for rahnekat1's birthday: Family doesn't end with blood. Spoilers up through 3x16 (the finale).

August 2008 and beyond

I've been writing my fingers off on "Sunrise in Winter", which is my alternate ending to the Twilight series. It's currently over 7500 words, and that's before I've even finished writing it. My goal is to get it finished and posted by August 18th, so keep an eye out for that, if you're so inclined. I also want to get the second part of "A Beast in Repose" up by the end of the month, since I have that started, and maybe more.

Endings are in sight for many of the big story projects I've had, and due to the proximity of the fall season, my focus is probably going to shift somewhat to original stories, and the amount of posting might drop. However, I have a few half-written stories at the moment, and I certainly don't want to let this community die again, so I'll have to see how it goes.

community: monthly digest

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