May digest.

Jun 04, 2012 20:35

May 2012


"Stick it in the ground (The Pocket Knife Remix)" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Supernatural, G, 480 words, with Bela and Ruby
For Reverse Remix, based on
elliemurasaki's Mumblety-peg
Bela doesn't take no for an answer, particularly from demons who steal important knives.

"The Words in Your Head (The Patron Saint Remix)" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Bandom (MCR), PG-13, 454 words, Frank/Gerard
For Reverse Remix, based on
akamine_chan's and never be afraid again
Gerard gets called stupid crap all the time. Why should Frank care?

"Because I got enough to spare" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Twilight, NC-17, 2600 words, Edward/Jacob and Edward/Quileutes, for
"Still up for this, popsicle?" Or: the Edward Gets Gangbanged by Werewolves fic.

"A first time for everything" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Bandom, NC-17, 1070 words, Pete/Mikey, for
Who knew Star Wars pajamas would turn out to be so sexy?

Podfic (recorded by others)

The Best Boyfriend Ever, recorded by
argentumlupine. (The first ever podfic of one of my stories! \o/)


1. :DDD : With recs for Captain America/bandom and Community.

2. Things that have happened today.: With recs for bandom, hockey RPF, and One Direction.

3. Zonerunners and blue smoke.: With recs for actor RPF (KStew/Charlize Theron).

More recs can be found at Pinboard and @gntweetsfic!

June 2012 and beyond

  • The month's already off to a roaring start: check out my werewolf!Pete Wentz story if you haven't yet. A full header will be put in next month's post.
  • My werewolfbigbang goes up June 6th (this Wednesday!), and my spn_j2_bigbang goes up June 22nd! Finally!
  • Theoretically, I'll finally finish edits on my Pulse 'verse interlude by the end of this month or the beginning of the next because I'll be submitting the fully-fledged sequel for BBB Wave Three (which already has a finished rough draft that needs, of course, editing).

community: monthly digest

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