June digest.

Jul 01, 2008 00:15

(Apparently, the theme last month was "birthdays", and I didn't even know it.)

June 2008


1. " Birth Announcement", Harry Potter (Marauders), G. Posted in 800_words: The Marauders react to Lily's delicate condition.

2. " Birthday Suit", Harry Potter (Marauders), PG. Written for such_heights's birthday: Sirius wants to thank his fellow Marauders for throwing him a birthday party.

3. " January, May, and June (Or, Three Birthdays)", Supernatural, PG. Written for my mom's birthday: A look at three birthdays in a half-year and their variations. Spoilers up through 3x16 (the finale).

Mod post of note

Be sure to keep checking the new list of fandom and fic preferences. The general guide is done, if anyone wants to make story requests, but there'll be a lot of work done on the part of the list that I'm compiling more for me than anyone else, so it might be interesting to see.

July 2008 and beyond

Nothing is due this month in particular, but spn_summergen is due August 1st, so I'll definitely write my story and probably submit it during July at some point. Also, Breaking Dawn comes out August 2nd, so I'm really going to push to finish "Sunrise in Winter" this month (and I'm actually working on it right now). If I have the time, I'll also work on getting the first part of "A Beast in Repose" up because, really, it's just getting ridiculous.

Also, I'll probably be writing birthday fic at least once this month, so that's one guaranteed story.

community: monthly digest

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