April digest.

May 01, 2012 04:48

April 2012


"A Better Version of Me" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Fringe, PG, 1900 words, Peter/Olivia
Peter Bishop and the terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad universe. (Season 4 AU.)

"Show you how to grind" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Bandom (FOB), NC-17, 1800 words, Pete/Patrick
Patrick expected a lot of weird things from Pete. That he'd never been touched below the waist wasn't one of them.


1. Late-night post: With recs for bandom and One Direction. (Also contains some Vampire Diaries spoilers.)

2. Grumble mumble: With recs for bandom, One Direction, and Teen Wolf. (Also contains a fanart rec for Community.)


1. Greatest hits, year two!: The second year of top AO3 hits. (Year one can be read here.)

2. An update for the song title meme and corresponding Spotify playlist.

Community-related notes

I used to make separate posts for these, but why bother? The monthly digest is a good enough spot.

Thanks to the growing size and complexity of the bandom fic postings, I updated the master posts (DW and LJ) to better suit these changes. It's mostly the top menu - now, all fandoms are probably a little easier to read, and bandom has better specification in general - but I tweak the page overall whenever I need to shuffle things around, so if you haven't looked lately, there might've been a lot of changes.

(Having said that, I recommend the AO3 list over the other lists for simpler and more expanded sorting. The only thing the journal-based lists have over it is that they have an additional work I haven't finished and uploaded to AO3 yet, and I wouldn't say it's worth reading, honestly.)

I'm mulling more change in the near future; I'm thinking master posts for fandoms over a certain number would be easier to skim. (I'm thinking five so I could make pages for Supernatural, Harry Potter, bandom, and Fringe, but a minimum of ten would get the first three.) Either way, I'm definitely doing master posts for longer series to duplicate some of the series I've created on AO3 and to do fun things with graphics and generally make it more straightforward for a reader diving in. One of my series in particular will get this treatment before the end of June, no question.

If there's anyone reading this (besides me, heh), feel free to share your thoughts on master posts! I'd like input from people inclined to use them.

May 2012 and beyond

Ready for updates on Big Bang season? Deep breath:

  • werewolfbigbang: Off to beta and the artist I'm working with. I'm in limbo on this one right now, but either way, posts should start June 1st.
  • spn_j2_bigbang: Already submitted to the community (which I managed super early this year!) and waiting for its second draft run. Theoretically, I should start that next week. Which, coincidentally, is probably around the same time I'm getting an artist.
  • bandombigbang wave one: While the prequel's in the middle of second-draft edits, the actual story for the year's hit minimum word count and should have a finished rough draft in the next couple of days, depending on how I'm feeling. I'll submit it to the community at that point, and I'll send it through second-draft edits after I finish the SPN Big Bang ones. The prequel is getting finished and posted in May; it's my top priority once I finish the main story's rough draft.
  • bandombigbang wave three: Still mulling this one, but I'm edging closer and closer to a choice. I'm not going anywhere near it until the above three are mostly squared away, though.
  • vampirebigbang is doing another round, but I'm not participating. I'm not signing up for any fests in the second half of the year except possibly Yuletide.
  • That's not to say that I don't have plans, though: I have a lot of unfinished projects and universes lying around, and while a lot of my focus July 2011 and beyond will be on original fic, my main fanfic goal is to tie off a few loose ends. (And I do mean a few: I know there's one story I'm writing for Halloween, two SPN stories I'd like to finish off or bring to some kind of conclusion, and no less than three or four largish bandom stories to work on. And that's just the longer stuff.)
Only counting the first four mentioned stories (WWBB, SPN Big Bang, the BBB prequel, and BBB wave one), this is about 70k worth of writing. And it's not unlikely 60k of it'll post in the same month. Phew, basically.

community: monthly digest

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