September digest.

Oct 01, 2011 01:52

September 2011


"Giving Up the Ghost" ( LJ | DW | AO3)
My Chemical Romance, NC-17, 26,300 words, Bob/Gerard
For bandombigbang Wave Two
Summary: Bob Bryar - also known as Spit Fire, the fifth Killjoy - should've died in the desert after Korse shot him in the head. But death isn't permanent in the zones, and rescue's nearly as ugly. When the fate of the resistance rides on Bob's shoulders, can Bob stop the mysterious enemies who anticipate his every move and cope with the mess Better Living Industries made of his life?

"It's what's for dinner" ( LJ | DW | AO3)
Fright Night (2011), NC-17, 1400 words, Charley/Jerry/Peter
Summary: Most vampires bite hard, but Charley remembers. He wonders if he's the only one who does.

"The Better Deal" ( LJ | DW | AO3)
My Chemical Romance, R, 2100 words, Frank/Gerard
Summary: Frank wants to shave his head. Gerard wants to help.

"Sleepover" ( LJ | DW | AO3)
Vampire Diaries (TV), PG-13, 1160 words, Caroline/Elena/Bonnie
Summary: Caroline doesn't do things by half.


- More happiness, since I need it.: Recs for bandom and music RPF.
- The first of a few rec posts.: Recs for Supernatural/CW RPF, bandom, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Glee, Thor, and Merlin. (Also has art/vid recs.)
- Happy?: Recs for bandom and Doctor Who (with a Thor vid rec.)
- Oh well.: A Pinboard/fandom fic rec.


Since I'm up anyway.: A share-your-WIPs meme.

October 2011 and beyond

  • Vampire Big Bang's going up October 11th! That's my last Big Bang of the year. Pretty exciting, right?
  • For fun during the amnesty period, I signed up for an additional
    kink_bingo card! (You can see it here.) I probably won't do much, and probably nothing in the near future, but it's there.
  • I'm officially unattached to any fests beyond those, and real life's got things going on, so October/November/December will likely be quieter than August/September. Still, I'll probably try Yuletide again this year, and I'm definitely signing up for Werewolf Big Bang near the beginning of next year. And I still have all my WIPs, many of which I'll probably aim for Big Bangs next year.

community: monthly digest

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