July digest.

Aug 01, 2011 00:59

July 2011


"Floating" ( LJ | DW | AO3)
Fringe, G, 1300 words, Astrid/Olivia, for
kink_bingo and International Day of Femslash, July 2011.
"Astrid bites her lip and looks at the tank. It doesn't look like much from the outside. It never has to Astrid."


Instarec.: Fanfic rec for a bandom/Harry Potter crossover series.

This was supposed to be a short rec post.: Fanfic recs in bandom, Supernatural, Inception, Star Trek, The Losers, Merlin, and Glee. (Also includes podfic recs in X-Men and bandom, vid recs in Star Trek and Doctor Who, and art recs in Supernatural and bandom.)


A test.: A pairing meme.

August 2011 and beyond

  • Two days to my spn_j2_bigbang posting date! Everything's almost finished and getting prepped to go up.
  • I'm officially confirmed for two bandombigbang! I'll be buried in edits for the next two weeks, and I should get posting dates after that point. It's not unlikely they'll both be posting this month (omggg).

  • kink_bingo's on hold until after the BBB rush, but I know how it's going to go, and I should easily get a bingo by the end of September.
  • I'm submitting my vampirebigbang rough draft in the next week. That should be going up in October.
  • And if all of this isn't enough, I have a couple of other stories in-progress! One of them in particular is longer and not my usual type of story, but I'm very excited about it.

community: monthly digest

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