July digest.

Jul 02, 2011 00:18

June 2011


"Stating the Facts" ( LJ | DW | AO3)
Star Trek (reboot), PG, 640 words, Kirk/Spock, for
A quiet night of chess and talk about Spock paying Kirk for sex. You know, the usual.

"4 Privet Drive" ( LJ | DW | AO3)
Harry Potter, G, 785 words
With Harry and Albus Severus.
Harry makes a trip to the old house on Privet Drive.


I AM EXCITE: Fanfic recs for bandom, Supernatural, and Glee. (Also includes art and podfic recs for bandom.)

Big Bang, and more!: Fanfic recs for bandom, Supernatural, CW RPF, Glee, Glee RPF, and X-Men: First Class.

Werewolves!: Notes and recs for (animal play square) around a werewolf theme. Includes fanfic recs for bandom, Glee, Supernatural/CW RPF, and Vampire Diaries, and bonus art, fanmix, and master list recs.

Super mega rec post!: Fanfic recs for bandom, Supernatural/CW RPF, Thor, Sherlock, and Doctor Who. (Also includes vid recs for Thor, Fringe/Sarah Connor Chronicles, X-Men: First Class, Wanted, and The Dark Knight/V For Vendetta/The Crow, and art recs for bandom and Thor.)


Finish and fic, oh my!: The beginning and all the links to a 30 Days of Fanfic meme. (It's ongoing; I'll finish the posts in the next week or two.)

July 2011 and beyond

  • SPN Big Bang is still posting August 3rd. I'll post one more reminder in next month's newsletter, if edits and prep don't weigh me down too much.
  • I have two fills for
    kink_bingo (see above), the rough draft for a third finished, and plans for several more in the works. Yay!
  • My rough draft for vampirebigbang is almost done. (And for real this time: this is my third or fourth rough draft, and I'm thisclose to the end.) The rough draft isn't due until August 1st, but I'm glad to have it almost ready so I can let it sit for a couple weeks.
  • Depending on how the next couple weeks go, I may actually have two bandombigbang Wave Two stories. /o\ One's about a third written; another is probably half written. Either way, I'll post both stories in the next couple months.

community: monthly digest

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