September 2010
1. "
Return to Roosevelt", Supernatural, PG-13. For
spn_summergen: Kat's protected Rockford in the months since Sam and Dean cleaned out Roosevelt Asylum. It hasn't stopped her parents from being nosy or Gavin from trying to get back together, but she's dealing. Still, nothing's prepared her for what happens when the demon possessing Meg Masters comes into town.
Author's notes
Notes for "Return to Roosevelt"
*facepalm*: Includes a link to a Dark Angel fic.
October 2010 and beyond
- help_pakistan is just about done and about to be sent to betas. If the recipient wants to share, it'll be up in the next couple days.
- werewolfbigbang has the rough draft done, and has already had outside eyes read it. I'll do a little editing, hopefully get an artist and a mixer, and it'll be posted probably early next month.
- inception_bang is currently being written. I might be done with the rough draft by the end of the month, but posting is still a couple months away.