Student Teaching, Life and such >:

Aug 28, 2007 21:11

Well first day of student teaching wasn't as bad as i thought it would have been.
I got a third grade class and my cooperating teacher (ct) seems really nice. The school over all is huge, and i guess the fact that they have a separate facility a couple of miles away that has most of the kindergarten and pre-k classes confirms that even more. It just seems to huge for a K-5 elementary school, i found myself feeling lost, when my CT left me in the teacher lounge to make copies and i had to venture back to the room on my own. The fact that the 3rd grade building ("concrete-able" as the assitant principal said) is separate from the school and is so far from everything else makes it worse.

I met with a lot of the 3rd grade teachers and staff This week is just an observe the routine *which reminds me i gotta re-write my reflective journal entry for today* and kinda see how the teacher handles thing while helping out along the way. I pretty much have taken over checking homework, she even said if i can come up with a better idea for checking homework to let her know so i can implement it. And the way she has it is time consuming D: I have to come up with something!

-O Christine! Let me know how your week is going so far if you read this~♥

I'm not so sure I want to, but i thought it would probably be a good idea to record my reflective journals about each week on here but I don't even know if anyone would want to read it (would you?). It would make things easier though, not having to type up in the end and such.
I just want to take on this new challenge, with best of my abilities and what I've learned b/c i really haven't had any experience handling an entire class on my own (it was alway small groups).
I start off with either science/ social studies lessons the next week. God willing i will make it through these next 3 months.

I also want to draw something at least every week, especially now my commission is done.
Ah right! Here is a preview [image shack is evil and really shrunk the image i uploaded]:

It was done for Hallspace @dA of his really interesting characters AA and CJ. Who are siblings, just hanging out in this picture, deciding on a movie, if you can tell at all its really small TT
Took me forever to get the hair and such done and the actual size for the drawing is: 1614 x 2406 (yeah, don't ask i never noticed until i got the new monitor half way through and i guess it explains why photoshop froze so much XD. Plus i didn't check the numbers until it was done)

Okay, gonna end it short.
Till next time.

2007, internship, drawings, student teaching

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