hewos ♥

May 23, 2007 18:01

Things are okay over here :D I have pictures related to some of the things I'm mentioning but i'll post em after their resized and what not. Anyway, things are good, cant complain. I was really sick over last weekend, still trying to get rid of cough i still have. My mom says my voice sounds funny, i don't notice it, but oh well, it will go away... I hope.

I went to FIU today to pick up the case study from my professor (she sent us an email saying to pick em up or she "shred" them). And it turned out, after take about 15 minutes to find parking, that she wasn't there. XD I now don't know what to do b/c her hours are on M/W and next week i work on next Wednesday.

Oh yes, that right I'm working at wayside (preschool) again, until that Wednesday. Then i work full time at Miami Museum of Science for their really neat summer camp June 11-Aug 3rd. I chose 2-5th graders this time for a change of pace. I like the little ones but i wanted to see what working with the older students, in the really interesting classes were like. Woo Metro-rail >w<;

I went to JACON with my best friend Vashti and Apryl sometime early May. Vashti found us awesome hotel(b/c its was close and great fares). It was cool because it was right across the street from the con's hotel and I don't think many people knew about it and ended up paying crazy prices to stay at that hotel. Apryl and I took the Amtrak up to Orlando on May 3rd and Vv met up with us the next day. The con was good. I liked see all the awesome cosplays and going to the different events. Got a Gloomy Bear ♥♥. It was cool, i write more later about it with pictures and whatnot. It was funny coming back down on the Amtrack b/c we got delayed by 2 hours due to a crate/train cart or something sitting in the middle of the track. >: So they had move it.

I did get my grades, all A's in all four of my classes. :]Which I am glad for T_T It was a lot of work. >:

Right now, I have just been working, studying for my FTCE (or lets just say need to pass to graduate) exams, and then trying to find time to work on that commission.I also having been going to AGA meetings. Didn't Edwin or Jen last time >_> Then again it was dark.. I'm horrible at finding people in the dark O_o;;

Okies no more rambling >: I'm gonna go eat some of the dinner i cooked for everyone before its gone O_O! Love ya guys. Hope everything is well.

fiu, life

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