Mar 01, 2007 20:44

Things are okay over here.
Today would have been a good day to do the cooking meme spork did but i forgot D:
And i made this: http://www.bettycrocker.com/Recipes/Recipe.aspx?recipeId=34309 for dinner too.
So good ♥

Not my photo.

Anyway,I was in a bit of a panic this week because the applications for student teaching (internship) in the fall deadline was today and my adviser was gone for 2 weeks so i couldn't contact her to look over my essay philosophy statement , before submitting it. So i had to turn it in with out her signature and what not, so i didn't completely miss the date. She finally emailed me back today, saying that i can to her office on Monday/Tuesday and then saying that i need to fix my statement. I was sure she was going to say that. I wonder how bad it is, ad I'm kinda scared b/c the lady is so intimidating. If you don't remember(or i mentioned) about two yrs ago during that fall i was going through hell with this lady and her class and come to find out last summer that she is my adviser.

I'm so nervous about internship though O_o Of course there can't be anyway i can fail it, like Christine said but man. :S

Working on my commission and stuff too. Its of two characters that are siblings. They are supposed to look like they are just hanging out, and it has to be colored with with pencils and markers. I sketched a few things for it, but i'll post them later since i need to go and type up a lot of things. I felt so out of it today, looking for books at the library for books for my next lesson and for my field work. Man i have quite a bit to do this weekend too, now i think about it.

As for my classes. They are going okay. Slow though, since i was delayed with a lot of things due weeks ago to because of my field school taking so long to meet with me. :x The fourth reading is really going by faster than i think. I've written about seven (9-18 paged) lesson plans already. We have 3 more left and then the continuum. I like the two girls I got grouped with for the continuum assignment. They are funny and really nice. I passed the recorder recital assignment for the teaching music class, which I'm glad about b/c i thought i had really failed it :0. I had to try 3 times before I started it correctly due to nerves.

Welp i better get back to assignments and such. I know I had more INTERESTING and not school related things to mention. But they just wont come to mind.
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