feeling alright..

Jan 08, 2007 10:21

Hey, everyone. :]
Happy New Year and all that ♥ Hope every ones break was fun and what not.
Went to my first class at eight this morning -_-; My next class isn't until 2 D: So i have five hours and it would be silly and a waste of gas(;_;)to drive all the way back home and then back up here again D: So yeah. 5 hours.
Good thing i have my sketchbook....

If anyone can recommend any good books to me it would be nice since i just finished the next book to Twilight, New Moon by Meyer. Really good ♥ I got a copy for spirited001 for Christmas.

Things i got for Christmas:
B+BW Foam Hand Soap
New Moon
Okami for PS2
Letraset Tria Markers (Not received yet)
Cute Pajamas

Unfortunately I wasn't able to sell anything here or get any commissions T_T Oh wells.
Only commissions i could do are probably the mini ones.

Last Friday was my last day of work at the preschool i worked about for about three years. T_T I couldt work this term with my schedule and stuff. The tricked me, telling me to come to work early for someone, and had a surprise party and stuff for me. It was really sweet ^_^ I'm gonna miss not being there, since it was becoming more so a part of my routine.

I worked on a drawing for a co-workers daughter (Which I told her i'd make for her ages ago ^^;)
Forgot about scanning a copy of it.Hopefully its still home so i can do that tonight, unless my Mom picked up and brought it to them.

Okay, i think that all i had to say.. maybe i'll updat with a doddle later if i find a scanner.
Take Care everyone. ♥

2007, chirstmas

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