(no subject)

Jul 25, 2005 22:13

If anymone remembers, i mentioned about a month ago that i was taking an art class. I had an awsome teacher and enjoyed the class a lot. I really like the outings we had on fridays to diffrent parks and such.
My favorite was the Deering Estate, so i wanted to share some pictures from it.
They were huge, so i had to make them smaller:

Do not enter what??

One of the historic buildings there. Restored a bit since Hurricane Andrew in 92'

Inside on of the rooms.

Wine Cellar


The person who owned it first's bedroom.

My favorite.
The blue hue the image had has though changed, when i saved it. Its a bit duller. Anyone know why?? It only happened to this image though.

A pathway that was blocked off by a gate. I liked this one.

Little flower.


______________..:Some art stuff::.._____________
(couldnt scan any of these. So i tried to take the best pictures i could x_x)

First charcoal drawing. :)

Watercolor done at Enviromental Center.
There was more but then I forgot the lights went out, when I left the house and they got lost x_x
I'll have more of the art stuff later.
<3 D

photography, art

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