Oct 11, 2013 14:11
When did it become Yuletide again? Where did my year go? *flails* Ah well, on to the letter!
Things I love, in general: Aliens made us do it, amazing hair, angst, animal sidekicks/pets, antisocial geniuses, bi- or pansexuality, blood, boys in eyeliner, chaotic neutral or similar characters, chocolate, comedy, cooking, dark themes, death, dragons, dress uniforms/suiting up, double agents, dub-con, evil cliffhanger endings, femslash, fluff, geekboys, geekery, geekgirls, gen, glasses (and/or glasses!kink), goddesses/gods, goth or punk AUs, happy endings, het, hijinks, hurt/comfort, illness, insanity, kitties, meta, OT3s, ploty things, random little life/death snippets, shenanigans, shiny things, slash, snark, sneaking, sparkly things, spies, spunky chicks, squee, tomboys, tough-on-the-outside bishies, tricks and tricksters, unhappy endings, whump… and more, I'm sure.
Things I dislike, in general: character bashing, cheating on partners, dental practice AUs, non-con, pwp, scatology, watersports.
Other things, in general: You may treat my character requests as "OR" requests, not "And" requests. That is, if I request A and B, and you have a great idea for just B, go for it. I think that this year that only really applies to two of my requests, because I tended to request A and say B-Z could play too, but I just wanted to be clear. ;)
Oh, and because I know some people are tetchy about it: if you would like to attempt a Misses Claus fill or a Chromatic fill with one of my prompts, that's cool. :D
The above may or may not apply to any of my current requests, which I'll detail now.
Request Fandom 1: Tricksters - Tamora Pierce
Alianne Cooper, Kyprioth, Dovasary Balitang, Nawat Crow
Request: Basically I am so starved for anything in this fandom that I'll take whatever you give me. Aly or Kyprioth being sneaky and awesome? Done! Aly and Nawat being all adorable together? Fantastic! Nawat courting Aly or taking care of their nestlings with her? Sweet! Aly and Dove being all awesome and/or perhaps slightly shippy together? Love! Kyprioth sending them off on another task/adventure? Wonderful! Please please please! I will really take ANYTHING you are willing to give me in this world.
**If you get stuck and want to read these, Aly and the others only appear in the two Trickster's books: Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen. It is entirely possible to write about these characters without having read the other three Tortall quartets, and if you wrote a story set in/before Choice, then you would only have to read one of them. **
More Details: I always request this, and will continue to do so until I get my fic! :D I love the Trickster series best of all the Tortall Books. Anything based around these characters, either before, during, or after the books would be great! I also love the entire Tortall world for the amazingly strong, well detailed, and so very different from each other female characters!
I love Aly's love of life and the pleasure she gets from doing spy things. Her depth of knowledge and sneaky ways are very impressive. Her way of living with one finger stuck in everyone else's business while seeming to be nowhere near them is great as well. In Choice, the way she moves between the family, the conspirators, and her day job with the goats and crows and Kyprioth is fascinating. In Queen, the way she knows what everyone is doing, including her fellows, by way of the darkings is fabulous. The way she moves in the shadows for so long and then all of a sudden there is a huge result (a la Topabaw) is fascinating. And her personality in general I just adore.
Kyprioth is fascinating, especially in the few scenes where Aly sees the chasm between his elder statesman persona and the ruthless god who uses mortals for his own gains. Not that I see him as a villain, but simply as a very complex character. His love for his isles, and for their native people (in general, but occasionally in specific, as with Ochobu) is wonderful, and the many intricacies of his relationships with his siblings are fascinating. I also love how he has human flaws, like the way he jumps to conclusions and allows anger to overtake his judgment when Sarai leaves.
I love how calculating Dove is; she thinks before she speaks and she always wants to learn more about everything. The loyalty/friendship/potentially love between her and Aly is fabulous to watch as it develops. I also love the differences between her and Sarai, and how the Raka have to get used to her. As a bookworm myself, her quieter personality, and the way various people interpret it, really hit home with me.
I love the learning curve for Nawat becoming human, and any hijinks along that road would be fun!
I would love anything set during or after the books. Gen, Aly, Dove, Kyprioth Aly/Dove, Aly/Nawat, Dove/Aly/Nawat, even Aly/Kyprioth or Aly/Nawat/Kyprioth if it pleases you (I truly have no preference among all those options). Any scenes from within the rebellion, Dove and Aly talking late at night, Aly and Nawat raising their family, Dove being queen, Aly being spymaster, Kyprioth interfering in either of those two jobs, Kyprioth making another wager with/assignment for Aly… or whatever you can think of.
Request Fandom 2: M*A*S*H
Benjamin Franklin 'Hawkeye' Pierce
Request: I love Hawkeye! I think there is so much depth to him, and he's really got levels to explore. He's also witty, hilarious, crazy, and adorable. I love the dynamic he has with Margaret through the series, and also his dynamics with Trapper and BJ. These can all lean towards shippy or platonic. I also love Hawkeye and Trapper/BJ/Klinger/Radar getting up to hyjinks, and Radar being awesome. Potter, Henry, Mulcahy and Sidney are welcome to come along for the ride. And Frank or Charles too of course. A fic set during any season, with any supporting cast, but focused around Hawkeye would be fabulous!
**This one is a bit harder to get into for the first time, as it is an 11 season TV series, and the disks can be hard to find, but fortunately you can grasp the concept and the basics of the characters just from watching a few half-hour episodes. With the exception of the first handful of episodes of season 1, when they were still ironing out the characters, they are fairly consistent throughout, excepting the magical ability to spawn and then erase stateside siblings like there's no tomorrow. Also people who have been in the show since season 1 are discovering that their wives are magically pregnant 3 seasons later, but that's what happens when you stretch a 3 year period over 11 seasons, so I can forgive it. But basically, if you skim the Wikipedia and watch any, say 3 or 4 episodes - or aprox the length of a regular movie - you'll know pretty much all you need to, to write for this one.**
More Details: This is another one that I will continue to request, though I did get an awesome gift in it a few years back. But there will never be enough Hawkeye! ;) My favorite episodes of MASH are the ones that focus on Hawkeye, Radar, pranks, or throwing Margaret and Hawkeye together in tough circumstances. Oh, and poker nights, especially on the rare occasion that Sidney or Margaret join the game. I love the will they/won't they relationship between Margaret and Hawkeye, the paternal/minion relationship between Hawk and Radar, and the friends/brothers relationship between Hawk and Trapper/BJ/Sidney/Sometimes Charles.
I love Carry On Hawkeye, where he's faced with the Herculean task of taking care of the entire sick camp with just Radar and the nurses for help while he himself slowly succumbs to it. I also like Aid Station, Bug Out and all the other episodes where Hawkeye, Margaret, and Radar/Klinger are left behind/sent to the front/whatever. Pranking and bet-related episodes and Hawkeye and BJ/Trapper's war against Frank/Charles are also fun times.
If you're in the mood for some deep thinking, I love when the show goes all psychological on Hawkeye. For example: the episode where he goes crazy because of his suppressed memories, the one where he pretends to go crazy to get a trip to Tokyo, any of the ones where he loses a patient and freaks out, Sons and Bowlers with Hawkeye and Charles, and essentially the whole of the last few episodes.
Basically I love Hawkeye, and anything that focuses on him and/or his relationship with the others would be marvelous, but I would especially love an episodic type piece where hijinks ensue.
Request Fandom 3: Eureka
Jack Carter
Request: Something set early in the series please, before they started messing with timelines and getting all crazy.
Jack! Jack driving Jo or Nathan crazy! Jack being driven crazy by SARAH/Zoe/Fargo/Nathan/anyone in this town! Jack and Zane WhiteCollar-esque banter! Vincent or Henry being friends with Jack. Will-they-won't-they with Jack and Alison or Nathan or both! Or Jack, gen, just chilling or doing paperwork or anything.
Basically give me something Jack-centric in this world and I will be a happy camper! :)
**Again, this is a TV show with a few seasons to it (though not as many as MASH) but Jack is the main character, so he's easy to find. And, as I said in the prompt, I'd love something from early in the show, so you'd only need to watch the first handful of episodes and not worry about any future spoilery backstory or anything, and I'd be thrilled with it I'm sure!**
More Details: Yes, I love Jack. I love how at sea he is in this strange geeky world, and how he deals with the constant inferiority complex of being a 'norm' in a town full of geniuses. I also love how so often his 'dumb-guy normal' ideas so often save the day. His desire to just do his job, go home and drink a beer to the game without all of these shenanigans is just never, NEVER, going to go right, and I love that frustration for him.
Also, the frequent whump/why am I invisible/Why am I the only one who can dismantle the bomb/etc plays right into my H/C kink, so feel free to go there too. :D
Anything in the tone of the show would be great, but if you wanted to get meta about his place in Eureka and his life as a norm and what have you, and really get into the deep thinking, I'd enjoy that too. But if that isn't your thing, lighthearted bantery/fluffy like the show is great too!
Request Fandom 4: Enchanted Forest Chronicles - Patricia Wrede
Cimorene, Kazul, Morwen
Request: Something set during Cimorene's time as Kazul's princess please! I'd love to see what happened after Kazul was made King of the Dragons. Just a day in the life, or another adventure would both be great. Or something Morwen-centric. Maybe a day in her life around that same time? You don't have to include all three characters in one story if your muse isn't going that way. Just one of two is fine too.
** The time period I'm interested in is during/just after the first book, so if you'd like to switch to this fandom, you wouldn't need to read the whole quartet. That said, if an idea for Morwen grabs you from the third book era, I'd love that too. **
More Details: Er, pretty much what it says on the tin. I really love the first book, and the interactions between Cimorene and the dragons, and the intricacies of the dragon society. I love it when Kazul becomes the king, and the simple way she tells Cimorene 'well of course you're coming. You've got to organize all the King's junk too, silly.' Just the inherent promise in their relationship is really sweet.
So, yeah, something exploring their relationship, or about Cimorene and/or Kazul tackling their new roles, or a quest that they have to go on for some reason, or a visit to Morwen, or really whatever takes your fancy.
For Morwen, I love how sensible, and sarcastic, and brilliant she is. I love her interactions with her cats (seen more in the third book, really) and the way she so calmly handles the crazies of living in the Enchanted Forest and having Kazul for a friend. Something featuring her daily life, or her helping on another quest, or what have you, would be really fun!
ETA: I was also just reminded of the fact that dragons have some really interesting views on gender. From the fact that they have jobs with gendered titles but no gender requirements, to the fact that the young dragons chose their own gender and reflect this with a number of horns. So if you're interested in a bit of a deep thinky piece for this fandom, something about Kazul as a young dragon, contemplating draconic society and choosing her gender would be really cool!
Request Fandom 5: Dragonriders of Pern - Anne McCaffrey
Sorka Hanrahan
Request: Okay, I know I just listed Sorka, but I really love anything about the Landing era. Or the post-landing era. Anything in her lifetime. I love Sorka, Sean, Sallah, Pol and Bay, Emily and Paul, and all of the other initial dragonriders. So any of them popping up would be fun! I'd love something set either during Sorka's childhood, during the missing 8 years, or during the time just after the transition North, when they're getting the idea of a weyr together. But really, anything else in her lifetime would be great too, as I said.
**I'm only requesting a character from Dragonsdawn, which is essentially the prequel book to the entire Dragonriders world. So if you'd like to jump into this one, there's really only one book that you'd need to read/review.**
More Details:
So yes, Dragonsdawn is one of my favorite Pern books, and I want to smish Sorka. But really, the main thing is THE EIGHT YEAR GAP! I mean, I know there was so much story to tell after that, and you had to get to thread and dragons and North and whatnot, but I'd really just love more of those first 8 (relatively) idyllic years. Show Sorka and the others growing up. Does she ever make friends with the other kids besides Sean? (Maybe future riders?) When does Sean realize what she might mean to him? Vet shenanigans! Dragonet shenanigans! Any other story from that period even if it doesn't involve Sorka! (Seriously, Pol and Bay's arc, or Sallah's arc, or Paul or Emily or Jim… just give me more in this world, really).
Alternatively, I'd love to see something from the ending. They make it North and there's this triumphant Fall over Fort and then… Nothing. Okay, but somehow they had to create the Weyr and all of those traditions and there was the first mating flight and how did Sorka and Sean become THE leaders and their kids and new colors of dragon and did anyone else besides the riders, like Pol and Bay, live at the Weyr as the first weyrfolk, or or or… *sigh* So much that could happen, so few words!
So yes, hit me with anything from this period, with any of the character's I've mentioned, and I'll be just thrilled. :D
Request Fandom 6: Ghost Soup Infidel Blue
Request: Okay, what I really want here is an alternative POV of the octopi saga from Indigo. They had to be more than mindless drones under the control of Dr. Zoill. I mean, what was their motivation? From their own POV? What were they fighting for? Alternatively Ryan/Josh. Working out, training, getting 'cramps' and needing sensual, UST-filled massages to 'fix' them, pranking Luke when they were done and bored. You know, the usual. ;) If none of that is your cup of tea, then I'm always up for some good old fashioned Moira/Angela/Angela's Clone girly night sexy times. There could even be pillow fights!
**Catching up on the octopi saga would require watching the first half of the last season of Blue, though there is a bit from the season before that would be helpful for Zoill backstory, if that was the route you wanted to do in. For either pairing, really just watching any handful of episodes with them in them should give you a good idea. Or reading the manga. Both Ryan/Josh and M/A/AC are fairly sexploited in canon. ;) Anyway, most of this can be done from the Blue show, which I'm pretty sure I still have a torrent link for. I'll post it as soon as I can find it, in case anyone needs it. **
More Details: I'm fairly certain that I covered everything above. Octopi backstory, explaining their motives, or even going all the way back to their original culture and whatnot, before the war started! Ryan/Josh gratuitous sexytimes! Moira/Angela/Angela's Clone gratuitous sexytimes!
If you really aren't feeling either Octopi or sexytimes, I suppose you could go into one of those really deep moments that happen occasionally. Like when it's dark and most everyone is in bed, and two characters who can't sleep for whatever reason (or are on shift) end up just talking. I really loved the Moira+Angela's Clone conversation from Red where they talked about Moira's home planet, and something in the reverse, possibly discussing the ramifications or emotional turmoil of cloning. Or perhaps that scene that we don't see but which had to have happened in the 75th manga issue, where Angela and Josh are at each other's throats and then the next morning all is well. What conversation happened that night to change that? Or something similar.
Additionally, browsing me on AO3 will lead you to my writings, including stuff in MASH, Pern, Eureka, GSIB, and other Tortall universes, if you think that would be helpful or fun. :D
I think that's everything! Thanks so much!!!
fest: author letters,
meta: squee,
fest: yuletide