Aug 07, 2013 00:18
1: First Fandom
Well, the first fandom that I wrote for was Wheel of Time, though I know that I had fannish thoughts about shows and books before then, that was the first time that I entered a "fandom" per se. Wheel of Time was one of the book series that I read all the time in High school. With a few rl friends, we joined (sadly now defunct) and that was my first taste of fandom and writing fanfiction. And ironically, writing sort of RPF though I don't usually write it now. (If internet personas can be said to be real people) ;)
2: First Favorite Character
This was definitely before I jumped into fandom for realsies, but even as a kid I loved the show MASH. I think Hawkeye was my first fandom crush, and definitely my first favorite character. (Followed closely by Mr. Humphries and Uncle Jesse - I had odd TV tastes as a youngster) Hawkeye remains one of my favorite characters, unlike some others I have loved over the years, so I think that says a lot for the longevity of both the character and the show. It is something that I still watch and love, and he is someone that I still watch and love.
3: First OTP
I think my first OTP would have been in college, when my roommate dragged me into Inuyasha. Before then I didn't really ship so much and mostly wrote gen. If I did ship, it was in a "hey for this moment" thing, rather than the die hard-ness of OTP land. So yeah, Inuyasha/Kagome was the first one that I read and wrote and actually considered an OTP.
4: First Fannish Crush
Well, I think I already covered that above with favorite character. ;) However, when it comes to actual adult crush, rather than childish affection, I'd say it was Buffy. Funny story. As a young teenager, Buffy was one of the shows that my mom considered "inappropriate," so I'd have to sneak it in occasionally when I could. My freshman year of college an older student lent me the first two seasons and I fell in love. She was pretty and funny and powerful and just the right amount of snarky (ie, not as bad as House, who I love now but probably couldn't have handled back then). I really empathized for her in her relationship with her mom, her friends, and her school vs slayer life.
5: First Fandom that Broke Your Heart
That would be MASH. The first time that I saw the episode where Henry died, I was so shocked and sad. I think that was my first TV death other than those of random patients and nameless police procedural victims. But this was a character that I loved. Then it hit me with other devastating episodes through the years. Gah! They really know how to tug the heartstrings. I don't think I felt that way about any other show until I started marathoning Buffy in college.