Jul 15, 2005 11:40
week 1:
revision courses. hateful-like, but helpful bcoz seeing as how i'm going this week i wouldn't have even picked up a pencil to study.
maths was fun, because despite hating the subject with a passion, the teacher was really nice and said bad jokes and taught me a card trick that i can actually remember! whoo, go my card trick.
in physics i met some guy called brad who is friend of mitch and therefore all aep guys. and also made a complete fool of myself in that class. for those who i haven't told already, on the friday we were having a break and after having consumed french vanilla cappucino (from the nescafe machine, it was SO YUMMY) and a bottle of water i really needed to pee. so as i left the room this guy asked me if i wanted a newspaper and i said yea ok so i could leave. after the loo i was coming back into the room and decided to read this paper, so without looking up i saw other people in the room had the paper too. i said, oh, u guys got them too? no one will take mine off me. *points to scary man on front page, who looked like a transvestite with a mullet and shapely eyebrows* who is this guy anyway? personally i wouldnt want to be tutored by him at all (coz there was an ad about how he was the best tutor in perth and could teach u any possible tee subject, not dodgy at all huh?) it was then that i looked up to see the guy who'd given me the paper, who said i'm still here u know. realisation sunk in and i slowly crawled under the desk for the few minutes he explained what a..um...helpful guy this man was. did i mention his name was kim soia? well his surnmae sounds like sawyer, so i just thought about that for a while to cover the embarrassment. and yea that was week 1
weekend 1:
umat prep course. interesting, but dully depressing knowing that with my current scores, there is no way in hell i would ever get in (as proved by the practice exam we did on the 2nd day) and its frustrating bcoz knowing that i suck at it makes me want to do better, which isnt happening. i am illogical and not emotionally intelligent, is all that i have learnt. well duh. met this guy called simon tho, who i like just coz he thought i was in uni, and then bcoz he asked me to join his club of evil if i went to uwa next year. what did i say? sure i would. bcoz u noe i would. and there was this really creepy guy who i swear looked and talked like a monkey choking on a banana (not to be mean, but first impressions last) who kept talking to mabel. i didn't like him bcoz he overheard me saying "i doubt i'll get in and i'm not sure this is what i want to do" and said "then why are u doing it?" i'm TRYING leave me alone gorilla boy. so thats that
sunday night went to heathers. was extremely tired, didnt bother dressing up (sorry - too cold for tina turner) and had a fight with mum on the way over so she picked me up at like 10. offbeat antics were awesome tho, and it was nice to see most people (apart from casey and ellin and caitlin, grrr. not ur faults tho i know)
week 2:
shithouse! i have my worst period cramps ever, feel thoroughly depressed and is why i haven't rang casey and, apart from not finding a ride, have not gone to ellin's. i am really sorry, but didnt want to inflict my lack of good mood-ness on u, bcoz it wont go away and even wallowing in self pity has a certainty to it. like last night i just sat and cried for a good 10 minutes before getting changed for bed (and it wasnt coz of lost :D) so anyhoo, i blame everything on my hormones and i'd rather not go into my angst right now, it could take a while....