Title: Enough
chokingsmokerPairing: Ohmiya (Ohno Satoshi and Ninomiya Kazunari), Yama (Ohno Satoshi and Sakurai Sho)
Rating: PG [?]
Disclaimer: Not for profit. Fiction.
Word Count: 2,028
Summary: Sakurai Sho thinks about Ohno Satoshi.
Notes: I tried to write Sho as the deep thinking Keio boy I've
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good of you to notice! i'm a big fan of arial narrow! XD no, really. seriously.
thanks for the generously lovely comment! how many times have i said [or written, for that matter] that arashi fans are terrific? i love this fandom!
anyway! I was highly amused at kegom's comment thread.
so am i!
when i first lurked around, almost all arashi fans i saw around were jun's [most of them are so nice and work hard at translating arashi materials, writing porn fanfics, screen capping arashi shows and such]--maybe because i was jun-baited and you know the adage on birds with the same feathers [birds of the same feather are the same birds together. ahahahahaha! *shot again*]--but these days ohno fans are active in the fandom. congratulations, ohno fans! yey!
truly, I like all of them but I think, riida is the absolute best because he does such weird, crazy and cute things without even having the intention of doing such things purely for attention (which he end up getting a lot of! ^^v) unlike a certain Kazu-chan
yeah, me too. i love the other four equally [although in different ways as they all have different personalities] and love riida just a bit more because:
1) he's the leader, that's reason enough
2) he's so freaking funny [when he means to be and even when he doesn't]
3) (of) his passionate nature [as can be observed from the singing, dancing [the shift from jun to satoshi, as i've told i_am_zan, started with satoshi flicking his coat in an iza now performance of right back to you], from all the artworks, from the love for food and art and arashi and fishing and nino and his mom [i didn't her this time!]. and i love him best when he's intense!
4) (of) something, an observable quality in him that i can't quite name or pinpoint, something that makes him unpredictable
as for the attention-seeking Nino, please forgive him. he can't help but be needy when it comes to his Oh-chan [ipod on random mode: and suddenly I hear Nino as he sings the first lines of Cry for You. what the--?]
oh dear, I think I rambled about endless things that had nothing to do with you fic but more on why Ohno is such a compelling character. AHAHAHA. *shott* forgive me?
that's all right. arashi related ramblings, particularly ohno ones, are very much welcome here!
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