Title: Enough
chokingsmokerPairing: Ohmiya (Ohno Satoshi and Ninomiya Kazunari), Yama (Ohno Satoshi and Sakurai Sho)
Rating: PG [?]
Disclaimer: Not for profit. Fiction.
Word Count: 2,028
Summary: Sakurai Sho thinks about Ohno Satoshi.
Notes: I tried to write Sho as the deep thinking Keio boy I've
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I love also how you incorporated canon (this also includes the love of the others for their Leader and also especially between Jun and Ohno. Because he crushes oh so badly!) into your fic and the result is a beautiful observational piece.
Very well written.
Thank you for sharing and will look forward to more for sure! ^__^
- Have a hot and sultry Ohno! - Because I love him too!
jun's crush on ohno is phenomenal! as was his infatuation with sho when they were younger! and it's endearing how jun pretends that no one notices the ohno-crushing.
there are a lot of us who love him. i think the whole world should, because the guy is made of pure love!
thanks again!
That's a lovely compliment. Thank you.
I forgot to add that I also love your little piece because it gives me more of an idea of their backstory. I came to Ohno, tangentially sort of. It surprises people that I have no idea of Johnny's (Up to maybe middle of last year I had no idea who/what JE was) much less Arashi (although I have heard "Hero" before!!!) So it's lovely to read observational and insightful writing on the boys!
The road to Ohno was One Hollywood film, one J-dorama, one episode of Music Station and 'THAT' concert rendition of "Hero" . The rest they say is history.
Thank *YOU* for reading too!
much love.
your story "at sea" is one of my favorite fics, and when i get around to doing it, i shall put it and other stories i love in a list with reviews and such. i mean, if it's allowed? *tilts head*
i was baited into this fantabulous fandom by jun [and by the most wonderful of pvs, kitto daijoubu] but ohno eventually became my favorite when i saw him flick his coat in a right back to you performance from the iza now tour.
all he did was flick his coat, yes.
of course when i saw the rain concert performance, my brains went on a trip to heaven and almost had no intention of coming back but decided to return so as not to miss more ohno hip-thrusts. :))
It will be lovely to have you say nice things about my fic in public places! ^__^ I'd be most honoured.
I think Ohno's voice won me over and his dancing mesmerised me! ...and any performance of Rain!!! *dies*
and yes it only takes a flick of a coat or the pout of those to-die-for lips. *nods emphatically!*
more l;o;ve and hugs!
someday, i'd be able to ask permission from all the authors of the fics i think the world of and put them all together in some sort of pimp post! yey!
that coat flicking thing! the first time i noticed it, i kept on rewinding the video, almost unable to believe that _that_ was ohno satoshi! it was hard to reconcile _that_ ohno with the daydreamer, at first. i'm used to it now, although it still always takes me surprise [i'm used to being surprised by all the ohno contrasts]. ohno is intense. *fans self*
*loves and hugs back*
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