Title: Enough
chokingsmokerPairing: Ohmiya (Ohno Satoshi and Ninomiya Kazunari), Yama (Ohno Satoshi and Sakurai Sho)
Rating: PG [?]
Disclaimer: Not for profit. Fiction.
Word Count: 2,028
Summary: Sakurai Sho thinks about Ohno Satoshi.
Notes: I tried to write Sho as the deep thinking Keio boy I've
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It's sweet... in a academic-ish kind of way
(urgghh, gomen for my lousy comment)
It's great how you put Ohno in Sho's mind
'And amidst the blood and gore stood Ohno Satoshi, untainted by it all, his mind frolicking with the dolphins somewhere in fairyland'
Heh. I see this in Ohno's head as well.
Heh. I see this in Ohno's head as well.
he probably rides those dolphins, too, in his mind. or... that probably sounds more like aiba.
thanks again!
Both him and Aiba riding the dolphins.
And Nino chasing them (while galloping on a shark) to grab him Oh-chan.
Oof maaan, this is what Arashi fics do to me...
...an even wilder, crazier imagination.
Both him and Aiba riding the dolphins.
And Nino chasing them (while galloping on a shark) to grab him Oh-chan.
i hope they'd make a movie with this sequence. i'd be the first in line to watch when they do!
...but what if the shark eats up nino?
And ohno loves the dolphin so much he'd go back to the sea every night after he's done with arashi and don't get enough sleep..?
*free willy song plays over the background*
Eek, i'm totally off topic! Ignore this rambling comment.
I'll just go reread your fic again~
and ohno may love the dolphin, and use his new friend in his fishing trips, but he loves arashi more and would always go home to them after his sea adventures. yeah. *nods to self*
thanks again!
'no shark, or any other sea creature, for that matter, would dare eat nino. :D'
^and because of this, I'm adding you as my friend.
ano... let's be friends!
i've added you back, visited you and dropped a line and flailed around
yey to new friends!
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