Title: Cocoon
chokingsmokerRating: PG (?)
Disclaimer: Not for profit. Fiction.
Pairing: Yama (Ohno Satoshi and Sakurai Sho), Model Pair (Aiba Masaki and Matsumoto Jun)
Summary: Satoshi and Sho are brokenhearted. They help each other out.
Word Count: 372
Notes: Special thanks to
i_am_zan for the quick beta-reading and the encouragement!
The out of town shoot for their new movie has just been finished for the day. The five of them pile towards the Arashi service van.
Satoshi leans lightly into Sho but the younger man slightly retreats.
Satoshi does not take offense; Sho has been giving him unsubtle hints that he is having second thoughts about their affair, if they can call it that. But it’s all right with him; Satoshi knows they are both just using each other.
He is just not ready to end this. Not yet.
They sit inside the van-Kazunari whips out his DS and starts playing, his face serious. Jun leans in his seat and closes his eyes; the only indication that he is listening to Masaki are his occasional nods and grunts of disagreement or annoyance or both.
Satoshi sits near a window, looking out. Sho sits next to him and glances at the smaller man’s face, smiling uncertainly. Satoshi smiles back, but his eyes are sad.
Not too long ago, Satoshi saw the love of his life with someone else in their bed. Typically, he did not make a scene; he simply closed the door behind him and walked out. Just like that.
Now that the numbness has worn down, Sho is giving him some sort of reprieve from the memories and the sorrow. In return, he’s doing his best to keep Sho happy. He will keep on trying, as long as this, whatever this is, lasts.
Theirs is a bare relationship. No endearments, no dates, no gifts, no special days to remember, no sweet words whispered in eager ears. Sex is no romantic affair, just a grappling match between two sweaty bodies, an outlet for unspent lust. There’s nothing but frantic lips, open mouthed kisses and desperate love bites.
There’s nothing but shared lonely nights and forgetfulness.
Satoshi sees Sho gaze longingly at Masaki, who’s laughing with Jun.
Sho looks away.
Satoshi stares at the countryside scenery unseeingly, distressed at having to witness the pain reflected in Sho’s face. Suddenly, he feels the younger man’s hand desperately seeking his.
He sighs and grieves for Sho, for himself, for both of them; he knows they need to use each other for a bit longer.
Questions Wrong Turn