The Best Date Ideas:
1. Snogging
2. Going for a hike
3. Running from shelter to shelter in the rain
4. Wandering through the local botanical garden
5. Sharing a pair of binoculars during a meteor shower
6. Going to the picture show
7. Finding constellations in his/her freckles
8. Sitting in a parking lot discussing philosophy & architecture
9. Ordering take-out & watching your favorite movie
10. Having sex during a thunderstorm
11. Candle-lit massage with scented oil
12. Four hours of discreet foreplay during dinner and a movie
13. Visiting gardens in the dark
14. Watching clouds & describing what you see
15. Smooching all night
16. Hot-tubbing
17. Dancing in the rain
18. Waltzing under the stars on a rooftop
19. Staging elaborate fights in public that end in sword duels
20. Going to a free concert/play in the park
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