Moving On or Moving Out?

Jun 04, 2008 12:30

I just woke up from the most depressing dream I've ever had. I wanted to cry, really badly, but the emotions could not manifest themselves in tears. I wasn't actually that depressed, but you know how when you wake from a dream there is a gray area when the two consciousnesses have not separated themselves completely?

Almost the entire dream took place with characters from Doug (Nickelodeon not Disney's...ew.) Doug and everyone were in high school, which was already a horrifically depressing sentiment. Doug raised his hand in some college lecture hall-type class and asked, "Is life going to get any better? Am I going to get any happier? Is there anything after high school or should I just kill myself right now?" It was a serious question, which I found more disturbing than simply despondent sarcasm.

Then Doug went to the prom, found it to be boring and just plain disappointing, so him, Patty, and some British guy went to get hot dogs...

My friends from SVHS are graduating right now. I have to go text them congratulations. I really wanted to go, but I forgot to ask Kyle for a ticket. I like that sort of atmosphere. There's never a real barrier between high school and the beyond, but we seem to create one of great significance. Anyway, it's nice to be there when that comes crumbling down.

I graduated MC this year, with 62 credits, on the dean's list, and with an associates degree in GENERAL STUDIES! It's really weird that I'm "leaving the nest" along with the high school class of 2008. Having that experience in common, but the difference is they're moving on, I'm just leaving. I've hung around as long as possible, and am being force out in a sense. There's no camaraderie or joint success. I'm just the town derelict that they see in his car occasionally, surveying the scene but never belonging. We're supposed to be the cool older college kids, and you don't even want us around.

To be fair, I'm kind of uptight. I'm kind of an asshole.
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