My internet was out all day yesterday and it was my day off and since none of my classes are hard-- joy-- I watched the first season of How I Met Your Mother. Only because Neil Patrick Harris is in it. AND WE ARE SOULMATES. Today was more productive. Cleaned and went to Tucson and got stuff to make curry. Trying that tomorrow. Wish me luck.
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It's a necessity. Thus, we are billed dramatically. *sigh*
I know right? I tried on the dress again today to see what went with it better, the boots or the shoes (and it was the boots, curses, twenty dollars wasted on shoes I didn't need) and I was like...flail-y all over the place. Brrr. Oh well, nobody will be looking at me tomorrow anyway fwee!
D: Yea, you should go get it.. but it was like...salted dead fish so there were a ton of tinny dead fish. I needed fish sauce and I was like OH FUCK NO IF THAT COMES WITH IT and then I found fish sauce that was just plain fish sauce and did not have salted dead actual fish in it. You should like that place, there's dead fish all over the place. xD And haah yea that's crazzzy. Well not crazy but well, odd. But sorta cool. In an odd way. But still cool!
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