This is Alejandro. He has no pants, and when he was young he went to France.
Me with dumb face and Alejandro He was born in a poor town in Mexico, and when he was three days old his mom took him to France. He totes has an accent, likes boys and cheap cigars, and will fuck you up. True story!
Yes, I was singing Lady Gaga when I named him. I crocheted him. I'm half afraid his eyes are going to fall off, but I'm pretty pleased with the way he turned out. The beret was actually supposed to be a big spot on his stomach, but it turned out too big so I made the little scarf and turned the spot into a hat. My friend at work saw me just randomly making yet another useless square out of the yarn I had and gave me the pattern and taught me how to read it, since I can't read patterns at all. He is filled with old things I had made that were just sitting around, and there's a plastic bag in his head to make him kind of squishy sounding. I love him. The pattern's kind of useful for upright animals, so I think I'm going to use it again and make a penguin for my sister.
And now a meme! Stolen from
kel_fish . :)
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
1 | I pronounce either/neither eye-ther, as opposed to ee-ther. I read Stephen King's Dreamcatcher my freshman year of high school and in the beginning one of the main character trails of and says something about how the first one was more sophisticated than the latter. Hello, I am Kim and I have no mind of my own. You should try it though. You can join my special club. J/k.
2 | The tips of fingers are double jointed. I can make the first joint go forward and keep the rest of my finger straight. Apparently it's kind of creepy. My brother can turn his entire elbow around though, so it's not that creepy.
3 | I hate when people touch my neck. I like to pretend choke my little brother and sister (I love them, really), but when they try it back I freak out. I don't know why. I have a pretty ugly birthmark on the side of my neck and I never wear my hair up because of it, so maybe it's psychological? Idk.
4 | I air-type. Usually what I'm thinking, but sometimes it'll be song lyrics.
5 | When I'm bored and can't look at my phone and am trying to drown out annoying bands I don't like, I find words written on the walls or wherever and try to pronounce them differently. Take dynamite. You could go dye-na-might or you can go dyn-a-my-teh. It kills time. It also gives me a headache, but killing time is important too.
6 | I am obsessed with clouds. This is relatively a new one. My phone is filled with pictures of clouds. I don't even try to look for shapes, I just think they're amazingly pretty. I wish my camera took better pictures so they could be epic.
7 | I have to make my bed before I go to sleep. If It's messy I can't sleep. I can leave it messy all day when I'm not in it, but when I sleep it has to be made. I also sleep on top of the comforter, as opposed to underneath it. I don't like sleeping under it, or sheets. I love blankets, but sleeping under the comforter is just weird.
I was supposed to tag people for that, but I don't care. You should all do it anyway, I like reading other peoples' quirks/weird things. ^^
I have discovered penicillin is disgusting tasting. It's also very effective. It's been two days and the swelling's gone down a ton. It could also be the Listerine I'm using every free opportunity I guess. I hate Listerine. It buurrnns.