By the way, CNN
Fail. They corrected it right away, but it was one of those PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN moments.
Barcelona was last night. I got to hear my title sung. They were utterly fantastic. It was fun. Really, really fun. I wanted to go to Tempe today for the show tonight but I am broke. :/ It was really an awesome show. I could probably gush for like, fifteen hours about how much I loved it but I think it's pretty clear I'm sorta crazy by now. And there's weather in Dallas. Today was a screaming day. I'm better at taking it now. No matter how much I want to tell people to suck it. I mean, honestly. It's the plane we don't want to lose. Please, feel fry to fly in a thunderstorm. I insist.
Lydia in 25 days. So. Stoked.