Apr 19, 2005 16:38
=DO I=
Smoke? no, cant say i havent
Do drugs? same as above
Have a dream that keeps coming back? i always had this on going dream about all my cousins visiting and us going and climbing a treefort in my back yard..it was wierd
Read the newspaper? almost never
Have any gay or lesbian friends? cough cough.
Believe in miracles? not in the least
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? im not everyone..so i cant really say
Consider yourself tolerant of others? theres a few i cant take..but im a pretty patient person
Consider love a mistake? no..
Like the taste of alcohol? not really
Have a favorite candy?REECES!!!!!!
Believe in astrology?somewhat..its always lucky
Believe in magic?no..illusion
Believe in God? not as typically known
Have any pets? a dog,...its wall eyed...a hermaphodite..and imbred..
Go to or plan to go to college?i want to
Have any piercings? ears..thats all
Hate yourself? occasionally
Have an obsession? umm..if you consider ddr one;)
Have a secret crush? sort of i supose
Do they know yet? not sure
Care about looks? not really
Ever been in love?once
Do you believe in love at first sight? I suppose its possible
Do you believe in "the one?" yes
Describe your ideal significant other: pulse, working parts...seriously..not sure..someone whos not consistant?
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? hah maybe
Have you ever been intoxicated? yea,..sadly
Height: 5'8 or so
Bought: a coffe and peanut butter ice cream with kayla
Ate: ice cream
Drank: orange juice this morniong
Read:sin city comic
Watched on tv: emmm... dont really watch it..i hate watching it alone
club or houseparty: House party.
drinks or shots: tea?
cats or dogs: matters
single or taken: id rather be taken.with happy of course
pen or pencil: i draw in pencil..like writing in pen
gloves or mittens:gloves!
food or candy: food ...like chinese :)
cassette or cd: i like tapes
coke or pepsi: i dont drink soda
this or that: that
kill:i dont hate anyone
look like: a girl named therese
be like: I rather like me
avoid:no one..im okay
talked to:ashley
instant messaged: ashley
eat: i dont do that too much anymore..usually at work..or at school
cry: my bed
wish you were: new york city
Dated one of your best friends?well i considered them my best friend
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? yes..
Drank alcohol? hah used to
Done drugs? i have done my fair share
Broken the law? see above.
Run away from home? once
Broken a bone? hah fractured
Played Truth Or Dare? yup..it was the thing to do
Kissed someone you didn't know? yup...he ended up being really cool
Been in a fight? yea..rawr
Come close to dying? yeah..a lot this year
Cut yourself? teen angst!!!rawrrrrrr...no
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? I haven't any embarrassing ones
Your bedroom like? small, blue, safe
Your favorite thing for breakfast? i dont eat in the morning
Your favorite restaurant? chinese!!!
What's on your bedside table?clock...remote controls..papers..computer speakers..paintball gun instruction thing..a teddy bear
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? i dont..
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? ghost world
What is your biggest fear? ends
What feature are you most insecure about? looks
Do you ever have to beg? im not big on it..sometimes to my patrents
Are you a pyromaniac?hah alex and i lit his house on fire once
Do you know anyone famous? no, ium not that cool
Describe your bed: greenish with bl;ack squares..tons of pillows
Spontaneous or plain? spontaneous..they are pretty interesting
Do you know how to play poker? heck yea..ill win your money fool..ill win it good
What do you carry with you at all times? smokes/lighter
What do you miss most about being little? not having to work..friends..
Are you happy with your given name? yep
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? enough to buy an acoustic and never ending sheet music
What color is your bedroom? blue with stars
What was the last song you were listening to? gertrude, outta focus
Do you talk a lot? if im comfortable
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? on a good day
Do you think you're cute? some days, mostly not though
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? sometimes..whne its their fault
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? I believe so
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? im not dating anyone..and if i was.. i liike to hang with both
holding hands? yes
Have you ever been caught "doing something?" a few times..not sex if thats what your thinkiung
Are you a tease? ask someone else
Shy to make the first move? absolutely..nothing usually happens if someone else isnt forward
Rubber: i wont die from lighting
Punk: over rated rich kids
Green: eyes
Peanut: butter
Wet: hair
Hay: wizard of oz
Cold: sweet sweet new york
Steamy: rramen noodles
Freaky: comics
Rain: love
Bite: charlene