Mar 25, 2005 13:11
sometimes i think my thoughts are convinced that convince myself im right..when infact i have convinced myself that i am indeed wrong..there for there is the equal balance of right and wrong..and i can never tell the difference..
i had a talk with jessica last night and we came to the conclusion that love ruins you emotionally.. its kind of when you fall off your bike as a kid..sometimes you are afraid to get back on the bike..for fear of falling again..and then you decide its time to ride the bike go a few feet and then put the bike down..the fear of falling overwhelms you.. then there is the time when you do ride the bike..and the faults in the road make you fall..
all that ending to..being in love..and being broken renders you with a scar..eventually you are ready to love again..but you'll always worry about getting hurt that next time..
ages..does the age of someone really determine how intelligent they are??im not too like to say experience can tell you everything..but is there such thing as too much experience..??..i look at myself..and maybe vainly say that i am a good person..and will make the right decisions in the end..
everything is self proclaimed..and that bothers me..i watched a movie with kate the other was called the end she was like.."do you agree with what the killer said about right and wrong?" him stating that he was killing people who were gluttonous, vain, lazy, blah blah blah the rest of the 7 sins...but i kind of got angry and said " if everyone killed people that they thought wrong do-ers, well the whole world would be erased. what is right and what is wrong is self proclaimed and instilled in our minds as children.. therefor..its all bullshit"
all the words we speak..everything we pick up..names..emotions..all of it
sometimes i think that life isnt worth living..and that we would allbe better off dead..or alone from the begining(you cant miss what you never had)..but then i think of the past experiences ..things that i qwouldnt ever want to say didnt happen..and then i realise that for every 1 good day..there are about 5 bad days..but that one good day could make up for a universe of shit..
things in life that i think everyone should have..feel..experience..all
"the kiss that renders you useless..the one were you cant breathe..and the whole time before the kiss..the only thing you can think about is how much you want to kiss the person.."
"the feeling of right..when something just feels right..its a mutual feeling"
"your heart never know what yiu had until its gone"
"a emotion that down the line you doubt having..because at the time the emotion was so powerful that you doubt it could have ever existed in a life like this"
"a best friend..someone who you can say or do anything at all around..someone who will always listen to matter what it is..a person who realises you mess up..but is still there for you until the end"
"someone to say 'i love you'..and for you to feel it"
"someone to hate you..becasue until someone hates you..its hard to realise you arent perfect..and that its okay for not everyone to liek you..its life and sometimes 1 in 100"
"a ride in a car that just feels like your in the movies..its a great feeling"
"get into a load of trouble..and get yourself out of it..its a sense of responsibility thats great"
"have a moment that you realise everyone has problems and youll feel just that muh better"
"have a friend come to you crying,.and help them..youll feel like a super hero."
ok i dont feel like writing much more about that..
when you spend most of your life thinking and wanting about can take a second and stop..and realise that that life time has actually only been a few years..wanting..needing..hoping for love..makes life go slower..and you dont realise dates..or times..the opnly thing you realise is how your not in love..and how much you want to be..sometimes you dont care..and youll think you dont reaslly want it anymore..then youll think that its the only thing you want..and nothing else matters..and the fact is you are already loved..sometimes you just dont want the love people are trying to give you..and thats ok..
i read something in ambers profile..and one of the numbers said somethuing like"you are the reason someone is alive" this related to me..and i thought about all the times i wanted to move..or wanted to just die..and the only people that were on my mind..that kept me from doing so would be (charlene,ashley,tim,jessica,) so they are -people that apply to that list..
i hate letting go ..but i guess sometimes you just have to..there is always more... but it doesnt mean better..or equal..its just more..something to try and fill the slot..dont worry about filling the slot doesnt matter..
if anyone has made it through this whole if you havent made it through wont be this low on the page..ok for the obvious..byes