May 13, 2004 16:32
i waus thinking like you said ealier about the drugs and how it effects you. I felt pretty badd too and i did some drugz 2, some real baddies. but i just tried them.
but you know what? everyone sais that killing your self or at least trying or even just fooling around with it to get that 'feelin'. its pretty edgy.
but you know what? you dont, so lemme tell you. I have never felt so close to god when i tried to killmyself . He is like right there, standing infront of you and then i believe in a thing called love when he opens his arms and my blood is dripping or my nose has the drips from sniffin whatever i found around. I had a boy friend actually, and I found out that he was sort of a dealer. I tried some white stuff that was on the floor of his bathroom and that is how i almost died once, but it wasn't drugs i found out later but wuz comet.
dont worry about it. sorry if i am bothering you. i just want to have a friend who knows the pain that i knows and feelit.
hey, hang in there kitty