Jun 03, 2008 20:19
I'm supposed to be packing. Instead I am on LiveJournal.
I have just rediscovered this, and I'm loving it.
It just kind of scares me because I don't want to get addicted.
Which I may already be.
Well I'm officially moving out tomorrow.
My family thinks I'm a failure.
Well atleast until the week of my birthday.
I might end up going to SMC kiddies.
YAY!! [[haha not really]]
I got used to living here in the high dirt.
And dare I say... I love it.
Well it was here that I found my connection with God.
It was here that I started it all.
But I guess it is time to move on.
I'll go work in El Sembrador.
That will make my mother happy.
I'm going to miss the friends I made here.
I am already getting sad when I haven't even left yet.
I'll figure something out.
I just need to get my act straight.
But before I do that I need to pack!!
And do my laundry.
I am off for the rest of the day.
I lied... I'm back.
I just found out that my brother in law bought a motorcycle. He just learned how to ride. Beginners should not buy new bikes, because they WILL crash them. Guess what he did... He bought a spanking new one. Not a used one like he is supposed to. For how much?? 11 thousand. Now this would not be a problem if he wasn't dragging my sister down into a hole with him. It would be okay if he had the fucking money to spend on a bike, a Saturn SUV, and a mercedes. But he doesn't. Oh and guess what else... they just had a new born son. Who just happens to still be in the hospital in the NICU. What a fucking selfish irresponsable son of a witch. What is his effing problem, he's just making my sister suffer and I hate it. I wish I could help her out. Man she must be crying her eyes out, all because he wants to look cool. No one gives a fuck if you have a motorcycle or if you spent 400 dollars on a new pair of jeans. Learn some effing humbleness, honestly. I'm outraged, how can someone be so effing inconsiderate of their own family. The sad part was that he wasn't like this... gahhh!!!
Okay now I'm done... AHHH!!!