mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I ate a taco from taco bell. tacos make me happy. I like tacos.
I was posta go to a haunted house today with my grandpa but I didn't :( wow today me and skyy decided we are gonna go get our nipples peirced togehter. it will be fun but hurty. o well it will be hot, and tasty for travis ;)
he he he travis is soooo cute!!! <3
steph farted in this picture and it smelled bad. thats why we have weird faces
mmmmmmmmmmmm yummy I want to eat him
steph is sooooo hot with her cell phone!!
my mom is plucking stephs unruly eyebrows. they drove her crazy
other travises nostrils
awwwwwww cute kids
mmmmm tasty