Have you ever felt that there is some kind of force out there that, no matter what good you do or how much fun you're having, something has to come along and kick you right in the pants? Well sit around the fire folks, and listen to my tale...
It was a particularly BEAUTIFUL sunday afternoon, so wonderfull that I spent the day at butterflyflight's cabin with jjthebrat. We went canoeing, swimming, had lunch and supper, and had some very interesting conversations. Think they heard me on the shore Ruth?
Here are some pics to prove our enjoyment:
So after all that, when I got home, I decided to visit my friend Brad, and it was about 3 am by the time I left there. Now as most of my friends know, my car is a bit of piece, and among its many failings is also a faulty gas meter, so what looked to me as a quarter of a tank was really... nothing of a tank.
Now imagine me broken down halfway up the big foothills hill.
No gas.
No cell.
No light.
And a whoooole lotta walking.
Ever walk up foothills with no light?
yeah...not fun. I get home, get a ride back down to my car, gas in hand. Fill it up. Start the engin.. oh crap... the motor wont start!
Stupid hazard lights drained the battery. I grab the jumper cables, charge it up and finally im on my way.
but im not gonna feel sorry for myself, because I had an awesome time with Ruth Jill and Darrell so shove it up your ass karma...
is it karma I want to blame... or is my car? Or myself?
nah Ill stick with Karma