Aug 11, 2005 23:12
I have absolutely no clue where to start. I don't remember when I last posted anything of consequence or what I said, but I know that it has been a very, very long time.
First, I walked into Big Lots and got hired on the spot at $6.75 an hour, a quarter more than I made at Trevor's. They're training me now as a furniture associate so I can get more hours since apparently they're short in furniture. I spent maybe a month working two jobs and had a lot of very nasty 11 and 12 hour days with either half an hour between jobs or no time between jobs. It was painful and stressful. I hated it but wanted to do it as long as I could because, surprise surprise, I'm yet again in debt. About a week or so ago I quit Trevor's entirely and am now working only at Big Lots. It's nice to only be working one job, but I have to admit I'll miss Trevor's. Straightening the store and recovery is so much easier in a tiny store as opposed to a huge one with a billion different sections and brands and such, and I never know where anything goes, but apparently everybody there likes me. There are a couple of people I get along decently with (namely Jessica, Steve, and Becker, although Jessica is really little more than a complaining idiot), which is kind of nice.
School starts soon. The summer went way too fast. I guess having a job helped; this was the first summer I actually had a job, and it made things go so quickly.. I miss being able to stay up late every night and wake up whenever I felt like it the next day. That's one of the many problems with having to 'grow up'. Being an adult has a lot of perks, and very few downsides, but sadly, those few negatives are really, really big (ie bills, work, responsibilities). I miss being little.
Meanwhile, naturally, I'm depressed again. Things seem to be getting worse and worse around here. I want to move out and I told Mom I was going to, but SHOCKINGLY enough she doesn't want me to. Ooh, wow, give me a minute to be surprised. Okay, I'm done. There are other reasons I'm really really upset right now, but we'll leave it at the apology that I owe to Chris. I'm sorry.
I think I'm gonna go play The Sims or something. I've no interest in playing on Furc right now. Too upset.