Sep 11, 2004 00:44
Heh. Just thought I'd share the results of a personality test entitled, "Do I Need to See A Psychiatrist?" I found them amusing, and expressive of several disorders I'm already aware I suffered.
What do your responses tell us?
Although your scores were generally quite good, you scored well outside the normal range in at least one category. This suggests that you should probably consult with a mental health professional for further testing or treatment. There is most certainly a professional out there who can help improve the symptoms you are experiencing.
The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:
You have suffered from what appears to be a brief psychotic episode. This could be a product of many different disorders, both mental and physical. See a psychiatrist for further diagnosis.
You appear to have experienced at least one major depressive episode.
You show signs of suffering from a Simple Phobia.
Your symptoms point to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
You show signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
You appear to suffer from Panic Disorder.
Your responses indicated that your relationships are at least in some way dysfunctional, and may be causing problems in your life.
Your responses strongly indicate that you suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder.
The test also detected symptoms of one or more disorders that did not meet all the criteria, but that may still merit treatment.
The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:
You have experienced symptoms of a manic episode.
Although you meet the criteria for the frequency of symptoms, your symptoms do not appear to be severe enough to meet the criteria for Bipolar disorder.
You meet the criteria for the frequency of symptoms of Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder, but your symptoms do not appear to be severe enough to meet the criteria.
You exhibit some compulsive thoughts or behaviors.
You experience some symptoms of Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia.
Now I think it's time to go to bed. Since I have to work at 4 PM tomorrow, 'till 9 PM. And Colin wants to see me tomorrow. And I don't think that's going to happen.
Oh, and to anyone who was wondering who I was referring to earlier in my first rant: Not Colin. As to who, well, Kendra, you'll understand why this is weird.. John (you know, from RDI) has a girlfriend. Kris, from RDI. Who has cheated on God-only-knows how many men both IRL and online, yet apparently he hid a lot of stuff from me after saying I was one of his best friends, including the fact that he apparently went down to visit her, which is how all this originated, the fact they were dating, and on top of that, WHO he was dating.. Which .. Seems to be inappropriate behaviour from someone who claims to think of you as one of their best friends, no? So.. Yeah.. I'm still sorta angry but at least I'm somewhat calmer now, and I'd be calmer yet if it weren't for the fact that Colin basically shoved me off the phone and said, "Well, um, I'm gonna go now." We weren't in a lull in conversation, either, believe me. "I'm just getting sorta antsy so I'll talk to you later!" At 12:30 AM, no less. "I already have my shoes on and everything and I've been pacing around. Bye!" Grr. Sometimes ... Arg. Yeah. Gonna go to bed before I upset myself further.
I think I'd like to give up my emotions for a day. That would be a very lovely thing in my opinion.