Food challenge

Nov 28, 2006 19:04

ok, so I haven't written in a while. I know. Haven't had anything I felt like writing. However, now I do. I've created a food compatition . . . I didn't mean for it to be as complex as it is now originally, but . . . I'm happy with it and I've had fun creating it. So now I'm going to share it here. For absolutely no reason other than that I feel like it.
OK, so here's the compatition. This is the rules for week one for us.
The ‘rules’ according to Adelide (so far, until she thinks up other ones)

1) You can’t substitute a serving of grain for a serving of veggie, or anything like that.
2) You can move servings around to other meals, as long as it’s all accounted for, it counts as points at the end of the day. The more things ‘moved around’ though the less good it is for your body. ‘Extra points’ gained by eating more than the required amount of a certain food group in a day can’t be counted towards your ‘points’ for the next day (for instance, you can’t have 2 servings of grain at breakfast one day, and then count one of them as your serving of grain for breakfast the next day, you can only substitute it as a serving of grain for lunch, or dinner, or snack within that day.
3) Any ‘bonus points’ you earn during the day count towards the daily total.
4) You can get bonus points for each 500ml of water over the required amount (1 liter) that you drink in a day. 1 point for each 500 ml of water over the required amount up to 2 liters total in a day (this ‘max’ will change to 3 liters in hot weather, or if you are doing something that is full out exercise all day, but on those days the ‘required’ amount of water will be 2 liters, so you can still only earn 2 extra bonus points for drinking more than the required amount of water in a day)
5) Half servings count for half a point
6) Juice doesn’t count for fruit/veggie for this week.

How the points work:
Currently (week one)
2 points for breakfast - a fruit/veggie and a grain
3 points for lunch - a fruit/veggie, a protein, and a grain
2 points for snack - a fruit/veggie and a grain
3 points for dinner - a fruit/veggie, a protein, and a grain
2 points for bedtime snack - a fruit/veggie, and a grain
2 points for water, each 500ml drank counts as one point.
1 point for taking medications each day
2 points for taking acidophilus at breakfast and at dinner

3 points for a meat alternative added to any meal on any 3 different days of the week.

Possible bonus points
Water - 1 point per 500ml extra drank, to a maximum of 2 extra points in a day
Fruits/Veggies - 1 point for having 5 full servings of different colored fruits/veggies in one day
Grain - ½ a point per day for choosing a high fiber grain choice for at least 2 servings of grain in a day. Examples - 100% Whole wheat bread/bun instead of white bread/bun (no, enriched white bread does not count for this bonus point), a high fiber cereal (ex. All bran, mini wheat’s . . ) instead of sugar cereal, Crackers that are high in fiber instead of soda crackers, muffins with bran/bran flour in them instead of just wheat flour . .

Total is out of 122 for the week. Points scored daily, and if it was a day with a meat alternative added the days total is out of 18, if it was a day without a meat alternative the days total is out of 17. At least 3 days in the week must have a meat alternative.

Any day you get 100% or better gets a sticker beside it in your food journal :)

So I went out today with my cousin and bought stickers. Lots of stickers. So we're really tempted to keep getting 100%.
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