[an open letter in the ether to Mssrs Randall and Hopkirk]

Feb 16, 2004 13:08


I was referred to your service by a close friend, and I do hope you could help me out! My name is Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, and I haunt a very old and distinguished House at a venerable educational institution. This past holiday I received a rather inappropriate missive, conduct quite unbecoming, and for a House ghost. I will, of course, bring this up with the current Head of House and the Headmaster, but I would first like to make certain that it's not from one of my, ah, non-friends? Perhaps someone pulling a leg, tickling the ribcage, as it were?

If not, then of course it would be an internal matter. If it is from my colourful and pompous peers, I would simply report it to the Spirit Division of the Ministry of Magic to the proper authorities.

Many thanks! I hope to hear from you soon.

- Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
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