
Feb 01, 2007 19:15

♡♥ ℛ e s o u r c e s ♥♡

( brushes/patterns/textures/tuts )www. aethereality ✩ airashi ✩ ancient secret ✩ angelic trustanime rain ✩ azure skies ✩ beautiful sin ✩ brushworx ✩ celestial starcolorfiltercoy-dreamercreative closeupdigifreeeasy elementsechoica ✩ exposed ✩ fake tragedy ✩ fan art ✩ feel ✩ forbidden fire ✩ forgotten ✩ fractured sanity ✩ greeneye ✩ hauptordnerheadlockhybrid genesis ✩ illusions of nirvana ✩ imagination ✩ kakii ✩ magic box ✩ moarghportfeliapuzzle ✩ rebel heart ✩ sapphyre dreams ✩ sarunaseishidoshabby princessshizoosquid fingersstargazer designs ✩ xiao star ✩ zero

lj. 100x100_brushes77words78777anais_dirgearisuboxbig_tutorialsboutiquecolortonedearestdusty_memoriesexpose42hanako-lovelyhaudvafraicon_dreamsicon_tutorialicon_tutorialsiiokualifeisdolcemisarteownthesunshinep_i_x_a_rsaerinasamuraibluessineliayunhe

da. aimi-stockanamcranliaharonevecgarofanichambertinclaudia14drag-my-souldyefishexclusivestylegimeihibbaryillusionofperfectioninspyretash-stockj-owenkiho-chanmissesglasspaleseptembreperfectglamourransie3sarytahsheyziso-ghislainesparklingteasweetxpievalkiriaunamariposavikyvampirs90x-cielogris

( images/icons )www. aethereality gallerycuppy-cakedigik galleryminitokyomanga foxonemangasorahanasugarpinkyesstyle

lj. boys_paperfree_mangamanhwadreamspixelpeachsm_shinee

da. resurge

( miscellaneous ) icon table generator: 77words
mood themes: crackified ( f.t island & suju ) ✩ electronism (n/red/volkner) ✩ nanabbang ( kanda yu & khr ) ✩ sasa ( allen walker ) ✩ umamii ( shinee ) ✩ vampkiss ( egoist )

* Those with no links are sites that are down/dead.
** The list is/will be updated regularly. [[:
*** Last update: 02.12.2011

# post: public, ! resources

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