Sep 19, 2004 11:09
So much drama in the world of teenagers. Anyhoo hope everyone settles their arguements...lets make this a good year. Also my sister left today for college. I cried for a couple hours and cried myself to sleep. I love my sister soo much and if you get a chance to read my lj lano..i am always here for you no matter what and remeber i will always be hold your hand through every problem and every happiness that u encounter. I love u with all my heart and i hope u have fun up in stanford. School is okay i guess. I would have to say that period 3 bio class is too much fun with eveyrone in it! acutally im finding most of my classes really great except for math. I hate my math class PERIOD. My teacher cant teach. umm lets see what paretns wont be home for 2 days, umm my mom is mad at me and wont let me do anythign over the weekend while she is gone..pointless to say that to me considering the fact that she wont be here to supervise me. im sooo boreed and im trying to do my homework but it really isnt workign out for me. Anyhoo i like my life at the current moment. Cheer is ghetto. toooooo much drama in that departement as well. okkk peace