I think this might be the longest gap between posts ever ever (please say in an Outkast voice) on this thing. And before I start I think someone should (and probably has) write about the relationship through the music video between Dave Grohl and his Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins and what they live out in drag. It seems Dave saves Taylor's damsel in a lot of videos
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyvvCuIHrJwwhat happened to atleast being able do get in on some linky action on LJ? Anyway I am trying to link to Everlong, because it features dragging up, D.i.D and is the best Foo song.
I have been thinking about growth, development (heh heh) and ambitions. Mainly because I am not (oh yeah this is about to get all introspective boohoo oh me) where I thought I would be when I was 26. Like I have gone back a bit in where I was confidence-wise, I hate my job (whine whine) and I am applying unsuccessfully for others, I can't decide whether to say screw you and leave get work in a shop and go on about how I live for my art (which remains unrealised, obviously due to my 10-6 work day...because I was so productive when I was unemployed!) anyway and my shop girl job doesn't define me. And half of me is thinking but Ah! I am 26 now I can't just do stuff like that but at the same time when I was 24 I got all het up about being 'old' when 24 is not old at all and nor is 26 really! (Let's for now ignore looming 27). And as long as I am earning it is not the most irresponsible thing I could do. What I would kind of LIKE to do is go travelling again. No one can disapprove of travelling can they? Ok they can. BUt dude I would would be like, expanding my MIND, from what I remember of travelling, you can binge drink, snog someone who you decide you don't like the next morning but that doesn't matter! BECAUSE YOU CAN JUST HOP TOWN! (is hop town a real term? I think it is like a couple of yards short (this is also not a real term) of what I meant to say) or, y'know, not answer your phone and hide in the library when they call to say they're in the foyer (what kind of hostel did I stay in that there was a designated foyer...I think it was just a small reception...hypothetically)) So yeah I was thinking HEY! YOU! Let's run away from our problems under the guise of saving monkeys or something and go travelling! Worthy.
I feel like I am no fun anymore.
And I want neon green knickers
In other news I have made up some dance moves to The Raincoats' Lola cover. Come round I'll teach them to you.