Nov 14, 2005 23:37
Bad news. Arrested Development has been cancelled. I am truly upset by this.
Two days til I head back to MI to leave for Georgia! Seems counterintuitive, I know, but I'm looking forward to the detour home.
We turned on the heat today, which was a necessary decision. Now I really need to get a job. Haha. I'm not as worried about it as I maybe should be.
I got another haircut today, and it's SHORT. Compared to a picture from early September, it's not that much shorter, but it feels it. It'll take some getting used to. But it's far preferable to the cut I had in the pics from Sophomore year that Julie sent me.
I got a really nice card from Wanda the other day. I'll have to write her back about what's going on in my life. I just felt weird about writing her a huge update email. What's the etiquette of corresponding with counselors?
We FINALLY got our dishwasher fixed today which is beyond exciting. There hasn't been a test run yet, because we went out to dinner (delicious, and there were cute babies there, too), but I'll keep you posted. I did a lot of cleaning since I couldn't go back to sleep after the repair guy came at noon.
I've been having trouble falling asleep/staying asleep/not having bad dreams. I hope that stops soon. I plan on giving it a test soon.
Andy's brother Keith asked me to read over a poem of his today for one of his classes, and that was awesome. I may not be the world's best critiquer, but it meant a lot that he would ask me to read it. Granted, it wasn't a soul-delving poem, but still, I know I for one am really particular about who gets to read my poetry. And it felt good to critique again. I miss writing classes. I miss writing. Another thing to add to my to-do list.
Guess I'll have plenty of time to write in Union Station when I'm there for like six hours.
Yeah. Bed.
P.S. Alexa--unless I've been idle for like six hours, I'm often at my computer when I have an away message up, so IM whenever you feel like it. :-)