Title: Two Drabbles That Might Give Your Teeth Cavities
Author: Ahra
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff. The title explains everything.
Pairing: Onkey, ninja!2min
Image Prompts:
this and
also this i.
Another Friendship Concert and this time it was with Australia. As the plane landed on the airstrip, Jinki hurried the other three boys to gather their stuffs and make sure nothing drop behind at the moment they got off the plane. The shining boys walked elegantly through the airport corridor, even no one could miss the beam of elegancy radiating from them. Jinki flicked his fringes as he shifted his glance to Taemin who quickly zipped up his jacket and covered his face with his grey hoodie.
As they made an appreance in front of the fans, a loud outcry echo-ed throughout the airport hysterically. Taemin lowered his head and took very fast steps, passing his hyungies without noticing that his boyfriend, Minho, smiled at him.
“ Taemin-ah!” Minho called between his chuckle but the younger seemed not paying attention to him and continued scurrying.
Key could not help but laugh and apporached Jinki who also chortled a little seeing the maknae stroming and tapped his shoulder, then going down and brushing their skin, holding hands for a good second before they broke away.
Key whispered,
“ Isn’t our son so cute, love?”
Jinki plastered a grin, showing his white, perfect teeth.
“ He is.”
“ We look stupid after taking this photo,” Key murmured. Jinki tilted and looked confused. “ From which aspect?”
Key pouted. “ Your muscles aren’t that built while our heads are really small compared to the bodies.”
“ And what’s the problem? It’s just for fun.”
A red stain flushed Key’s highboned cheeks so he whined. “ I posed with boobs. My expression was wacky. I looked horrible, dumb, weird, and what else?”
Hearing the answer came from the younger’s mouth, Jinki giggled and placed a light kiss on Key’s lips, shocking the latter. “ At least no one will find you gorgeous other than me because you are only mine, just my Key.”
a/n: so Key felt pleased and posted it to me2day after Jinki flattered him. The end 8D