
Jan 15, 2010 21:56

Last weekend of freedom. Le sigh.

Trawling TVTropes, and the entry on Old Shame made me look for my old web pages. I tend to do this a bit, whenever I feel like it.

And so...

Holy God, Wayback has my old Tripod page. My old Tripod page is my festival of Old Shame. This is from back when I barely knew what I was doing with site design; I embedded MIDI's on every page (because they all had to have appropriate background music, guys), extreeme kewl letterz, cutesy language (e.g. "ficcy", "piccy"), emoticons, fangirl Japanese, hotlinking to .midi archives, not accounting for various screen resolutions, no unified sense of design... Like I said, festival of Old Shame.

Old Shame Festival also extends to the works featured on the site: We've got my old-ass FFVII fanart (at least I made sure to credit who I stole adapted stole style and poses from?), my Mary Sue fan fiction (A sample: "The Temple of the Ancients loomed over the lush forest like a benevolent deity."), and random crack from my IRL friends.

Why the shit was I so proud of this? Why?

The Festival goes into nostalgia attack mode with the links page. Sephiroth no Oukoku! Serena Gainsborough's Church! IcyBrian's! NeoMidgar! And then, the fics: Irony of Fate! Frozen/Fear/Forever! Cloud Cover! Last Exit for the Lost! (Can you tell that my first incarnation as an FFVII fan was as a Sephiroth fangirl yet?)

Shit, I feel like I should do some sort of tribute to my shitty designs of yore. A do over of the elements from 10+ years on, or something. Let's see... so we'd have a dark purple background with white text (the first layout I did mostly by myself), busy-ass aqua background with dark blue text (the "Water Mana Palace-type"), and then the black-pink-purple-white insanity (that I sort of still like) of Random Sakura.

Oh! And I found a description of my site from a listing: "Final Fantasy VII enthusiast offers a work of fan fiction in 21 chapters set in the universe of this Squaresoft RPG game."

Damn, those were the days.


ff7, irl

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